A Sense of Purpose

The music sounds shitty, the image is ridiculous, the fans are almost all whiny teen goths, and it just gives true metal a bad name.

I like the music, it all comes down to personal taste. I'll agree with you on the shitty image, but I'm most certainly not a whiny teen goth. :)

Edit: Forgot, this is an In Flames forum. Anyways, does anyone else get the feeling that Eraser was kinda a "Fuck you" to the old fans? I'm saying that perhaps they were trying to say, "We can still do the old shit, we changed our style on purpose!". Hence, why nothing on the actual album sounds anything like Eraser.
Forgot, this is an In Flames forum. Anyways, does anyone else get the feeling that Eraser was kinda a "Fuck you" to the old fans? I'm saying that perhaps they were trying to say, "We can still do the old shit, we changed our style on purpose!". Hence, why nothing on the actual album sounds anything like Eraser.

And where exactly do they demonstrate on the track that they can still "do the old shit"?
IMO Eraser sounds like R2R. Its a strong strong track but it's not totally old school.. And yeah that first riff of condemned sucks but right when it hits that melo death riff and the leads and then that solo...I love it.

Also about ARSIS. They used to kick so much ass...That first album was agressive, melodic, just insane. The 2nd album was bore fest techdeath crap. And this new one sounds a whole lot better but it still can't compare with Celebration of guilt. Arsis Can't write good songs. Yeah they are insanely talented but the songs all sound like a mess with good riffs here and there nothing fantastic. I listen to In Flames for the purpose of catchy songs, Memorable. If I want good Tech Death METAL I'll listen to Necrophagist, Arsis sound like a cheap Necrophagist.
And where exactly do they demonstrate on the track that they can still "do the old shit"?

If you don't think that song sounds at least a little bit like Clayman, then...I don't know, but that song definitely is old school compared to the rest of the album...
I'm divided on this one. Alias and Move Through Me are awesome, but I'm a bit iffy on Disconnected, Mirror's Truth and Sober and Irrelevant.... Been in love with In Flames when I first heard the tracks on Clarity, so much better than the shit I listened to before that (Disturbed and SlipKnot)
I honestly think that the new version of "Abnegation" is so strong, I think it should have been the single in lieu of "The Mirror's Truth", which I find boring past the cool lead at the beginning. I'm shocked to say it, but I think the new "Abnegation" is now one of my favorite In Flames songs. I hope they play it live.

After repeat listens, I'm starting to find a few faults in the new album. I think the riffs tend to be very positive and happy sounding, almost overwhelmingly so -- IF used to have a much darker tone to some of the melodies, almost a hauntingly dark but melodic and powerful sound. I can't explain it, but these riffs on the album are too happy and cheerful for In Flames in general. Even the last album was properly darker. This one seems very positive -- maybe that's the "sense of purpose" or something, whatever.

Okay this next complaint is a bit weird, but bare with me on this. I think In Flames are overcompensating too much in technicality. The past couple albums are probably their most technically complicated, in terms of fast one-note runs, cram-as-many-notes-as-possible into a riff sort of thing, no shit. I went back and listened to their first several albums, and while it is complex at times, it was more complex in the actual arrangements of the songs than complexity in the individual riffs. I find IF's newer arrangements to be very generic and samey. At first, you hear these ultra-dense twin-lead guitar riffs they're doing now and you think "Wow, IF are back to their roots!" but you soon realize that it's just complex riffs that are looped over and over into deceptively bland song structures. I think this is what happened with Come Clarity, and while they improved on this new album, they're still suffering from it. IF was always about brilliant arrangements more than technical prowess, and now it's prowess over songwriting, although one could argue that they're writing more typical, concise metal song structures instead of the more progressive stuff they used to do, which some may prefer. I don't know.

Bottom line -- listening to the old stuff, it really wasn't THAT technical! Then we got STYE, and we thought they were underplaying, and now I guess they're overcompensating a bit by going TOO technical, while sacrificing interesting song structure. Listen to a song like "Zombie Inc.", where the main riff is just a one note palm-mute, and it sounds rad. Then listen to "Drenched In Fear" -- it's a complex riff, but I don't think it has as much power as a simpler one might have in its place. Oh sure, there's exceptions, of course. I just think, on the whole, this is what's going on.

Aside from all that, the new album does rock. Great improvement over Come Clarity. I think what it just boils down to is that I'm sick of the In Flames sound to a degree. Everyone has copied it to death. I'd even venture to say that In Flames even copied their own sound and are trying to somewhat relive past glories while still experimenting and trying new things like ambient stuff, keyboard bits, clean vocals... I don't know, I'm on a HUGE ramble here... IF is still one of my favorite bands... I think I'm just burnt out on In Flames. (GASP!) I hope they put out something very different for the next album. I'm just not all that excited to hear anything beyond this at the moment.
Arsis Can't write good songs. Yeah they are insanely talented but the songs all sound like a mess with good riffs here and there nothing fantastic. I listen to In Flames for the purpose of catchy songs, Memorable. If I want good Tech Death METAL I'll listen to Necrophagist, Arsis sound like a cheap Necrophagist.

Pretty sure A Diamond for Disease is one of the most celebrated metal masterpieces in terms of technicality, songwriting, structure, AND melody in quite some time. But hell everyone likes something different. I just don't see how (even if you like catchy, easy listening) you would rather listen to "The Mirror's Truth" than "Overthrown"
Pretty sure A Diamond for Disease is one of the most celebrated metal masterpieces in terms of technicality, songwriting, structure, AND melody in quite some time. But hell everyone likes something different. I just don't see how (even if you like catchy, easy listening) you would rather listen to "The Mirror's Truth" than "Overthrown"

Um well I forgot about ADFD.. That song/e.p really kicks ass...Im talking about the last 2 arsis albums..They are boring to me. I used to like them. And I would rather listen to any other song on ASOP but not TMT, lol TMT is so boring.

I feel They should've opened the album with Eraser and Keep TMT as the BSide. And close with Tilt instead of March to the shore.
Isn't it kind of a letdown that In Flames released such a predictable album? I mean, everything from Lunar Strain was somewhat of a progression, even if some progressions were questionable. Here we have In Flames doing a mix of everything they've done previously. Even though it's their best since Clayman, I find it less exciting because we know In Flames is content to sit on their laurels.
Isn't it kind of a letdown that In Flames released such a predictable album? I mean, everything from Lunar Strain was somewhat of a progression, even if some progressions were questionable. Here we have In Flames doing a mix of everything they've done previously. Even though it's their best since Clayman, I find it less exciting because we know In Flames is content to sit on their laurels.

I agree. I thought even Come Clarity was listenable because it brought back some of the aggressiveness and leads the STYE didn't have, and songs like Take this Life and Crawl Through Knives kinda pumped me up since they were very modern sounding but still definitely In Flames style. But this seems like a step back in song structure and creativeness, 2 steps back in the vocal department, and a step in the wrong direction with the production. I feel like I've already heard the songs on this album even though they're brand new. I was hoping they would go out on a limb and do something crazy, and I'm pretty disappointed in the batch of songs on this album.

Oh and about Arsis, yeah ADFD was pretty epic, and I can see how UIR and WATN aren't really in the same vein as Celebration. Guess I'm just a sucker for Malone's epic wankery. Keeps things interesting.
When people are defending new In Flames saying that they are evolving and they don't want to make the same album over and over again, I just say that their last 3 albums have all sounded very similar and so I guess they aren't evolving anymore and are content on making the same album over and over again. Yes, there are aspects of ASOP that are similar to their last 3 albums, but I think they found what they were looking to do since Clayman. Now maybe, their next album will sound different.
A local record store in Tulsa had special edition copies behind the counter. I got one for 16 bucks. Once you listen to the album the artwork and lyrics all go together. Its a really good album. Im really happy with it. The DVD is all the making of stuff.
Just studio stuff but they feel like longer episodes . I could be wrong though. Its a total of like three hours long so maybe there is more I have not gotten through the whole thing yet.