A Sense of Purpose

They do what sells .. I doubt this was their idea, which sucks. I hope they had at least as much musical creativity as in albums past.

Note: I've yet to hear a single song from the new album.
My final opinion about the album, i won't rate it though.

1 The mirrors truth, Still pretty boring in my ears, in flames has done so much better songs (not talking about old songs) that sounds much more catchy, this song is a bit too normal.

2 Disconnected, Could have been a much song if it didn't contain the emo lyrics (you all know what i mean, don't you?) but except for the lyrics, the song is very good.

3 Sleepless again, Pretty melodic, not that great, but not bad after all.

4 Alias, this song piss me off, i don't like the chorus, but FUCK! the acoustic breakdown makes me feel happy and sad at the same time, they putted an awesome acoustic breakdown on a song that i don't personly realy like.

5 I'm the highway, Nothing too special, a nice song.

6 Delight and angers, sing along? that's what i did, this song is catchy and very melodic! :notworthy

7 Move through me, the reviewer of the new album said this sounded like ''Only for the weak'' i didn't reconize it, but nice solo and pretty good song.

8 The chosen pessimist, the chosen ballad? the best ballad of in flames, that's all i can say, first i didn't realy like the song, Anders whispers a bit too much in my opinion, but the best In flames ballad (so far?).

9 Sober and irrelevant, Nice riffs, pretty good and catchy.

10 Condemned, Another catchy song, nice to sing along with it.

11 Drenched in fear, Nice growls! also nice to sing (and growl! :kickass:) along with this song, very catchy, heavy and melodic at the same time.

12 March to the shore, Nice growls, again, i also sang along with this song, pretty melodic, catchy and heavy. :)

...This album is MUCH! yes much better then i thought, still the best since Clayman but FUCKING MUCH better then r2r,stye and cc combinated. :)
Hmmm. I was pretty disappointed with this album. Sounds rushed to me. You can tell they were trying to do something a little different on this album and it just didn't work for me. :erk:
well, it actually might be fact if you factor in the comparision of every album they've done before.

as a matter of fact, sountrack to your escape is miles ahead of this album. too bad both of them are unlistenable

Depens how you look at it, comparing this to TJR, then yes, it sucks
Comparing this to STYE, an huge improvement!

I think this album is good in it's own way. :)
Well a few weeks ago, I finally stopped listening to ASOP on a daily basis and have had the reboot i needed. I'm back to listening to older IF (Clayman and before) and I have to be honest. It sounds SO good... I really can't put into words how music I've been listening to for so long now still blows my mind every time I go back. Therefore, rather than taking a shot at the new album, I'll just say that In Flames has so much amazing material. It's really incredible actually.
I really have faith that this technical quality is still there. Now that IF has truly 'made it', I hope that they sit back and re-evaluate their goals. I know that these guys are just like you and I - they're not just musicians, they're attempting to run a business. Why not make $$ while you can - I don't think anyone should be slighted for that. However, now that food will be on the table for quite some time (i know that's being modest), I hope they start doing things SIMPLY for the love of doing it. In other words, stop being businessmen and go back to being JUST musicians (and awesome musicians at that). This means, not playing 1 million shows a year and rather making each appearance with energy and the amazing quality that we know they're capable of.
This means, not playing 1 million shows a year and rather making each appearance with energy and the amazing quality that we know they're capable of.

The past two times I've seen them (Dec 2006 and Gigantour this year) have been filled with energy, I honestly can't see it when people say In Flames cannot put on a good show (not saying you personally said that it is just something I hear all the time from people). That being said the ASOP material live is actually pretty good.
I haven't seen them for a couple years now but that will change this Friday. :D
I guess I was mainly referring to how bored they look on some of the newer concert videos I've seen. But I mean who wouldn't be when it's the gazillionth time you've done it - also, how Anders sometimes appears to not be giving 100%. Again I can't blame him.
I've seen them twice now and I loved it - the shows really helped make me the fan I am today. (Not that the shows were perfect) I just don't see the same zeal I saw in the Hammersmith and Sticky Fingers shows (arguably the best all time). I know they aren't supermen so I'm just suggesting they maybe cut back a bit after this year.
Gotta be honest, I've never liked Haven... I'm not sure why, cos I liked projector, but most of Haven does absolutely nothing for me. The only songs I'm really into on that album are Feast of Burden and Rundown.


And having listened to "A sense of purpose" I must say I was disappointed, but I loved Anders' vocal style this time round. Much much better than CC!
Ahh I wouldn't say the best. The whole album isn't bad in my opinion. I love old Flames, like Jester Race and Clayman, as well as new stuff, like Come Clarity and ASOP.
Really I wouldn't say that either is better, it's like two completely different styles, and they mix together so well. And I really don't like it when people say they don't like it when Anders sings...if he doesn't sing, then it would barely be able to be called Melodic Metal.
Ahh I wouldn't say the best. The whole album isn't bad in my opinion. I love old Flames, like Jester Race and Clayman, as well as new stuff, like Come Clarity and ASOP.
Really I wouldn't say that either is better, it's like two completely different styles, and they mix together so well. And I really don't like it when people say they don't like it when Anders sings...if he doesn't sing, then it would barely be able to be called Melodic Metal.

Yeah, i listend to cc and asop and i found some great songs on there, the ''problem'' is just that whenever In flames plays an old song, Anders can't or doesn't growl like he used too.
I liked this the first time it came around. Then I started calling it "A Sense of Shitpiss" then I started liking individual tracks.

It got boring after a while.