I've been listening to ASOP now for about 3 weeks and the simplicity of the songs is really getting to me. Besides The Chosen Pessimist, every other song has the same structure and is so predictable. Intro/verse/chorus/verse//chorus/solo/chorus. They really need to change it up cause it's gonna get boring. I say another couple weeks of listening to this and I'm gonna file it away and put on The Jester Race and Whoracle and remember how good In Flames once were.
"Current Melo Death Acts ..Dark Tranquillity" What? I don't get Why people praise Dark Tranquillity..To me they were always a 2nd rate In FLames....Sure there new albums are alot better then new In FLames...but IMO.
TJR, W, COL, CLAY are better then anything pre haven.
Minds I is boring, used to love it but something has turned me off...The Gallery is overrated and boring as well...Just My Opinion though.
I'd suggest Anders is changing to this half-clean/half-growl style in order to preserve his voice, as during a lot of 2002 his voice was fucked up from the growls he had to reproduce from Colony/Clayman (check the Live in Seoul 2002 boot to see what I mean, a lot of shows around the end of 2001-2002 and even some of 2003 showcase Anders was struggling maintaining his voice).
Ok, my opinion after listening more to ''A sense of purpose '' has changed,again.
1; The mirrors truth: Pretty boring,melodic but too boring. 5/10
2; Disconnected: lyrics sucks alot, but pretty ok song. 6,5/10
3; Sleepless again: The keyboards sound sucks, expect for that, the song is pretty good. 7/10
4:alias: lots of in flames fans like this song, i don't. i think it's not good and definitely not ''catchy'' 5/10
5: I'm the highway: Nothing special,not bad. 6/10
6elight and angers: THIS is catchy. 7,5/10
7:Move through me: Another catchy song,pretty good solo. 7,5/10
8:The chosen pessimist: I never realy enjoyed Anders clean vocals, and this is no exception. 5/10
9:Sober and irrelevant: good song, great riffs, one of my favourite new in flames songs. 8/10
10:Condemnded: another good song, catchy and GOOD clean vocal performance. 8/10
11renched in fear: DEATH GROWLS!
this is my opinion the best song on asop, catchy,melodic and heavy. 9/10
12:March to the store: same as drenched in fear, great vocal performance, heavy and meldodic. 9/10
Rate: 6,9 rounded to 7
In my opinion Anders should focus on his growls, not his clean vocals.
I don't blame Anders personally, but he's the frontman and when he changed his image to the dreds and stuff everyone literally seemed to be like "OMG JONATHON DAVIS... SELLOUT!!11" and Anders has received a lot of bashing for purportedly being the reason In Flames changed direction, probably because his voice has become more prominent in songs and the guitars took a step back. However, as you said, Bjorn and Jesper write the majority of songs and are the main creative forces in the band, therefore I believe if one is to lay blame it has to be spread upon all members, not just Anders.
I could see why your friend would dislike Clayman's vocals - they do sound strained and there's a lot of effects on them to add depth, but I personally like them. I'd say Anders cleans were on their peak at Colony (A helpless excuse... A FALLEN REALITYYYY!) Clayman features a lot of mumbling, heh.
Good ratings!
Yeah...And say all you want about how dt Stayed true and still sound like dt. Yeah but the last 2 or 3 albums have had the same formula. Fiction is good but it sounds like Character which sounds like Damage done. Projecter and Haven have there own gothic sound though which is cool. Im more of a fan once Dt added keyboards.
I don't think Character and Fiction sound so much like DD.... in fact I fuckin' hated Character when it first came out for some reason, and grew to appreciate it only a year or so later. Similar story with Fiction, I'm a fan of both albums now regardless, but I still think DD is the best overall album DT have produced, marginally better than Gallery.