Why don't we bring back Zebra? Kix? Autograph? Jeez, guys. Lets give the undigned guys a chance. I mean, repay the loyalty they give to this festival and this board. It is not like they just started playing their instruments last week, or they are part of the School of Rock. They will work for peanuts compared to one of those geriactric jobs.

Ray C.

PS - Holy Crap, the Bricks, er, Knicks are up 68-57 in the third over Atlanta
Dude, you rock! Thanks for looking out for us little guys! I know that all the bands you mentioned would be more than honored to play the showcase and would put on a great show! We have played shows with all you mentioned except Overlorde. Although Mark was at our show in Brooklyn with Zero Hour a couple of weeks ago. Hell, between my old band and OC, I have played MANY shows with Division. Great bunch of guys (even though they stole my old bass player). ;) Oh well, James filled in on drums for the aforementioned show in Brooklyn so its all good.

BTW, Kix (who are local to me) are sort of still around as a band called Funny Money. We played a couple shows with them last December. Steve is still the singer, its the orignal Kix drummer and the current bassist that Kix uses when they do "reunion" shows. Speaking of which, I just saw a Kix reunion show in Baltimore a few months ago. While I'm into much heavier, more complex music, those guys put on a top notch show! If you liked Kix, you'll like Funny Money as it pretty much sounds the same. They are just releasing their new CD, "Stick It", too.
^Let me second the fact that Kix puts on an AMAZING live show (we were also at that Baltimore show). Yeah, they're likely not appropriate for the Showcase or anything, but they are a great live band.

And yeah, Odin's Court and/or Division would be a great addition to the Showcase at some point...

Definitely Vicious Rumors, and I'd love to see Obsession
as well.

I remember TT Quick, excellent band. Not still around,
are they?
Regarding TT Quick, one of my all time favorite classic metal bands from NJ. Erik hasn't lived in Jersey for years and so they are inactive unless he comes to town for a rare one off, which has been quite some time now. Almost did a benefit gig a little while back but it didn't end up coming together. David and Mark do once in a while still play in a cover band Edgar Cayce (pic below) which also features members of Prophet...I never miss a show when it happens. Mark's voice still sounds pure Metal!!!

Sure the bands all have been picked out by now for this year's Showcase but Overlorde would fit nicely in the classic metal band "Leatherwolf slot". And for a young prog/power metal band to fit in the "Theocracy slot", highest recommendation goes to Suspyre! New CD is amazing!
I am just curious how this became an 80's veteran band thread for PPUSA? Just because Leatherwolf played doesn't mean that its going to be the norm. The festivel is called Prog Power, right?!?!?! Most of the bands mentioned here are not of those catagory's, most not all... Besides the point, the showcase has evolved and I am sure its going to lend itself to up and coming bands and past PPUSA mainstage standouts like Freak Kitchen and Vanden Plas.... Anyways its a nice idea but I think thos etyps bands would be good for Sweden Rock (snicker) or something like that...

I am just curious how this became an 80's veteran band thread for PPUSA? Just because Leatherwolf played doesn't mean that its going to be the norm. The festivel is called Prog Power, right?!?!?! Most of the bands mentioned here are not of those catagory's, most not all... Besides the point, the showcase has evolved and I am sure its going to lend itself to up and coming bands and past PPUSA mainstage standouts like Freak Kitchen and Vanden Plas.... Anyways its a nice idea but I think thos etyps bands would be good for Sweden Rock (snicker) or something like that...

Yea, yea, yea, we know, but hasn't ProgPower always been the place of dreams? And the forum is clearly always been a verbal vehicle for those dreams? The chance of T.T. Quick and so many other old schoolers is slim, but this is where we can engage those fantasies, and ain't it amazing when Glen makes the impossible happen? So while no one really believes in the unrealistic, isn't it fun to think that somehow it could....just happen?
I am just curious how this became an 80's veteran band thread for PPUSA? Just because Leatherwolf played doesn't mean that its going to be the norm. The festivel is called Prog Power, right?!?!?! Most of the bands mentioned here are not of those catagory's, most not all... Besides the point, the showcase has evolved and I am sure its going to lend itself to up and coming bands and past PPUSA mainstage standouts like Freak Kitchen and Vanden Plas.... Anyways its a nice idea but I think thos etyps bands would be good for Sweden Rock (snicker) or something like that...


It's probably more of a nostalgia thing. But, there was alot of talent around in the 80's that didn't get a fair share of recognition because of the flood. Nevertheless, metal fans that could discern good from the bad kept up with bands like Leatherwolf, TT Quick, Vicious Rumors, etc. Plus newer metal fans get introduced to these bands & realize the talent also. l'm afraid many of the bands introduced into the market nowadays will not make that kind of impression. 10 years from now their existence will be barely a memory. Sad but true.
And, l'm still trying to make the FK connection to the "Progpower genre". Quirky lyrics, ok...odd rhythms, ok...flashy technical guitarist, ok...3 piece instrumentation, ok...passable singer, ok...phallic devices,ok...well...it's basically DLR era Van Halen without a good frontman. Neither prog or power.
I hate to say something like this but...

With the performance that Odin's Court gave on the tour with Zero Hour, it borders on criminal to not have them playing in some capacity at ProgPower this coming year. The Showcase would be the perfect spotlight for them.

Their playing was tight, the music was interesting and memorable, and most importantly, they absolutely LOVE what they do and love the ProgPower festival.

Other than that...I'd look to make some miracle happen... Like getting Shadow Gallery or Beyond Twilight to do a live gig. That would be unbelievably pimp.
Oldschool metal? hmmmmm
1)Vicious Rumors
2)Crimson Glory
4)Coroner (forever the dreamer lol)
5)Sinner (they been round forever)
I hate to say something like this but...

With the performance that Odin's Court gave on the tour with Zero Hour, it borders on criminal to not have them playing in some capacity at ProgPower this coming year. The Showcase would be the perfect spotlight for them.

Their playing was tight, the music was interesting and memorable, and most importantly, they absolutely LOVE what they do and love the ProgPower festival.

Other than that...I'd look to make some miracle happen... Like getting Shadow Gallery or Beyond Twilight to do a live gig. That would be unbelievably pimp.

Has Beyond Twilight ever done a full tour? I've only ever heard of them playing live once at a festival in 2002 or so.
I am just curious how this became an 80's veteran band thread for PPUSA? Just because Leatherwolf played doesn't mean that its going to be the norm. The festivel is called Prog Power, right?!?!?! Most of the bands mentioned here are not of those catagory's, most not all... Besides the point, the showcase has evolved and I am sure its going to lend itself to up and coming bands and past PPUSA mainstage standouts like Freak Kitchen and Vanden Plas.... Anyways its a nice idea but I think thos etyps bands would be good for Sweden Rock (snicker) or something like that...


It's just for fun and discussion sake Bear............
Why don't we bring back Zebra? Kix? Autograph? Jeez, guys. Lets give the undigned guys a chance. I mean, repay the loyalty they give to this festival and this board. It is not like they just started playing their instruments last week, or they are part of the School of Rock. They will work for peanuts compared to one of those geriactric jobs.

Ray C.

PS - Holy Crap, the Bricks, er, Knicks are up 68-57 in the third over Atlanta

Get off your soapbox my man..........it's just for fun! :rolleyes:
Zebra would actually be considered a Prog band, Prog Rock but a prog band nevertheless.
I am just curious how this became an 80's veteran band thread for PPUSA?

Cause the person who started the thread made it such, by asking if Shane was going to include an old school metal band again this year. Then asking the folks here what old school bands they would like to see, if another were to be included this year.

Harmless discussion...and fun to see the responses.
it's especially fun if you were around in the 80's for these bands and grew up loving them.