A song i wrote, have a listen please?!


May 6, 2001
Well here's a song i recorded in the last day or so. Not for my band or anything, just for me.... and now for you as well!

I'd be sooo greatful if you would have a listen and tell me what you think. Seriously, tell me any bad points you think of, no matter how small or unimportant they may be. I won't be offended by anything no matter how wrong i think you are, so don't be scared to say something.

Here's some background info:
It's recorded on my comp. with guitar going through a boss multieffects pedal (no mic'd amp or anything!). Same for the bass. Recording quality is pretty good though. Drums are programmed. And theres no vocals (but i guess there should be, i just dont sing), so theres a few more solos thrown in for interest value (ie wouldnt be there if vocals were there).

All the main rhythm is acoustic, but theres a distorted lead guitar. So yeh its not metal so dont expect it to be. Oh and ignore the name of the song, i just give songs random 'working' names when i make them, i tend to make them really shitty on purpose.

alright here you go, hope you enjoy it!!!! :

Softly (7.4MB)

and thanks in advance. With the onslaught of threads atm the moment i'm thankful for anyone who even took the time to read this!! :)
yay i got a listener!!
celebration time!!! :p

uh hosted on the webspace my ISP gives me.
Well it depends what plan you are on, im on 'infinity' and i get 10MB webspace.. so its not much.
so if you get webspace given to you then your address is:
and use an ftp program to log onto home.iprimus.com.au and use your username:password (same as to connect to internet).. and that will take you to your directory to upload things... easy...
well i didnt mean that type of criticism!! :lol:

so you like?
theres one thing you could really help me with. what style do i call a song like that? i never know where my songs fit in.
If you want a vocalyst.. I'd be up for the challenge.

The song finished. It is amazing. Progressive, well written, flowing and simply buetiful. The instruments sound great, and are played amazingly.

The drum machine sounds pretty good, the only thing I can critisize is the high-hat is a bit high in the mix. The rest is great.

If you like, give me something to song, And I will send you a sample if I can. =)
are you going to try writing heavier music as well?
Yeh most of my music is heavy. My band is extreme/heavy music, this was just a song on the side. I dont record band songs because i get to play them in the band, but if i didnt record this then id never get to hear it.

If you want a vocalyst.. I'd be up for the challenge.
The drum machine sounds pretty good, the only thing I can critisize is the high-hat is a bit high in the mix. The rest is great.
If you like, give me something to song, And I will send you a sample if I can. =)
Agreed on the hi-hat thing. I tried to bring it down a bit but obviously not enough.
As for the singing, if you want to have a go at putting vocals and writing lyrics for this song then go ahead, but you'd better be able to handle rejection because if i dont like what i hear or it just isnt what i want then i wont hold back my opinion!!! :)
no Hammeringmosserizing it either!! that means no pengiuns, no pleng, etc!:lol:
Of course.. no hammering moss.. lol.. I'd like to give it a try.

It's just, I scream better than I can sing.. so my voice would suite a heavier song maybe. I'm not very good at writing lyrics. But I might give it a try. It'll be fun. I won't mind critisism.

I'd love to show you some Of my solo work as well.. though, it pales in comparison to that song.

yeah.. I'd love to try singing.. I have the equipment..

Note, I suck at writing lyrics... =)
YaYoGakk: Hey this was a really nice song....great quality...you have great phrasing i must say....and intresting melody lines...yet there are some places of the song you should work a little bit more on...somewhere after the middle of the song...the music becomes less thought through but maybe thats the part you referred to as "few more solos thrown in for interest value". I totally love how the song ends with the catchy fading melody....excellent
I wish i could point out some more bad points but...damn i can´t :devil:
Awesome x 3. (maybe a minute or so too long for my taste :D )

Man, though, you've got talent. It's raining here in N Y and everything is dark and cold- and gloomy. This track really hits the spot. Thanks for the accoustic gift.
Amazing, i honestly didnt imagined you were THIS talented. Indeed the only flaws i can possibly find is the drum patterns but since i suspect you are not a drummer its just a minor thing.

Im also surprise of the cuality of the sound for a computer recorded song what hardware/software you used?
Honestly, very nice work, keep it up, i'm not a musician so I can't tell you what to change.

I wish people would critisize my music...
I'll critisize ya, other than the comedic value of Hammering Moss (which is pretty damn high), it's not good, it's just like a bunch of crazy stuff thrown together, which it seems is your intention.
Nice work....the high hat IS the only thing I don't like. This is amazing Yayo! Damn....I hope by the end of this school year I'll have some of my stuff up.