A tribute to the greatest PC game ever


Feb 20, 2005
"Somehow, the notion of 'unalienable liberty' got lost. It's really become a question of what liberties will the state assign to individuals, or rather, what liberties will we have the strength to cling to. It's only a matter of time before someone clever and ambitious figures out that the tools of dictatorship have been ready-made by well-meaning governments all over the world."

Even if you don't recognize the quote, cuz it takes some digging to hear it, anyone remotely familiar with this masterpiece will surely be able to recognize it. God what a great game, so thought-provoking, and the single-reason I love cyberpunk (seriously, I have yet to find any other decent cyberpunk stories in any medium, with the exception of "Ghost in the Shell" (the movie), which I was "eh" about anyway).
Doesn't sound familiar, but I'm gonna take a stab at it... Deus Ex?

You got it homie! Just playing it again for the umpteenth time, this time on PS2 just to experience it in a slightly different (and vastly inferior, all the maps are like divided into thirds with load times between each one, though the character models are better) way. I love the political commentary, and the reflections on the nature of control and governing (especially that series of conversations you can have with Morgan Everett's prototype AI in one of his hidden rooms). Not to mention the sheer size of the maps and variety of options, which of course has nothing to do with the story but makes for that much more of an immersive experience.
I was thinking of downloading this from Steam awhile back, since it's only 9.99usd and now that you reminded me I just gotta do it!
Darn, I thought this was a thread about the Fallout series, or perhaps Planescape: Torment... or heck, even IL-2.

Never dug Deus Ex myself. Appear to be in the minority there. Both games in the series were an absolute chore to play through for me. The bastardized fps/rpg mechanics kind of took the worst parts of both and tried to cluster-fuck it into a workable game. Fairly cool story and setting though, can definitely appreciate that.
TIE Fighter was where it was at man! I had that, X-Wing, and X-Wing vs TIE Fighter. I think Dark Forces was my first 1st Person shoot 'em up game too.
NO GODDAMMIT, we are not derailing this thread into singing the priases of old pixellated sprite-based Star Wars games! :mad: :lol:

Moonlapse, yeah, the first took some real effort to get into (it definitely takes the cake as "slowest starting game with the worst first level" in my book), but once you got the GEP gun and the Dragon's Tooth sword you were fucking unstoppable, so that took the frustration out of it! And the second I feel is underrated - it still had some good story elements and a similarly large amount of options of how to approach situations (in true RPG fashion), but it was just on such an infuriatingly small scale.
I personally think the original Half-Life was the most involving PC game ever. Even now, with its cheesy Quake-2 engine graphics, that game is scary as fuck. And that story is SO FUCKING GOOD...it just makes you wonder how people come up with that shit.
Personally my favourite is Unreal Tournament series (Deus EX uses its engine), although I think that Doom should probably be recognized as the greatest PC game ever. My favourite PC game with plot more complex than "the hell gates are open" or "shoot the bastards" is FullThrottle.
I personally think the original Half-Life was the most involving PC game ever. Even now, with its cheesy Quake-2 engine graphics, that game is scary as fuck. And that story is SO FUCKING GOOD...it just makes you wonder how people come up with that shit.

Its engine is actually heavily modified Quake with bits of Quake II.
