A very profound thing...


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
the rain is...

Last week, friday to be exact... I'd had such a shit day, and i was ready to kill someone and/or burst into tears at the slightest thing... untill it started raining, just before i had to walk home...

Everyone was scuttling about with their umbrellas, splashing mud everywhere, complaining about how the world sucks because it is raining..

... and i actually walked home in the rain, with a smile on my face.

It washed everything away.

I have had such a hard year so far, I have been through so much that i sometimes can't breathe when i think about just everything closing in on me... and yet something so simple, and something so beautiful as the rain makes life worth living.

So profound was the rain that i actually feel somewhat good about things, despite everything...

There's a new Nevermore cd coming out, and a new Dimmu CD to check out soon, two positive things...

Kegan had a terrible day today, one of the worst in weeks, and yet after a few (ermmm.. a few more than a few) beers, a bit of warm food in me, the company of my ever loving dog sam, and everything is peachy. The weekend comes soon, and i get to hang out with kellie at some point again, everything looks so bright, even in the shadow that has been everything lately...

Edit Censored to protect my identity and those around me... The censor within kicks in, as what i wrote could be misconstrued to be falsely incriminating...
Sounds worse then some days I've had, that's for sure.

Much as I'd like to offer a positive outlook, I AM a cynic, and need to remind MYSELF shit gets bette, so I have to reserve my optimist side for a while longer.

Ok, a small amount. "Shit gets better." There you go. :D
Yeah man it's weird how stuff can unexpectedly happen and completely change your mood. Now I don't place my happiness on anybody elses shoulders, but take for example the other morning, I got home from work at like 3am in teh fucking mornign (I work at Subway) and as I was walking home I got a messsage from a friend of mine that just said "I bet you've just finished work and are in a shitty mood so I just wanted to make you feel better cause you know I'm thinking of you :)". That really put me in a good mood. I couldn't figure out why she was up at 3am in the morning but who cares.

Trapped, you live in Brissie don't ya? I moved down at the beginning of the year. Whereabouts are you situated?
There is something about rain that brings an odd joy.
I's discovered it many years ago. 'Twas a strange revolation that came from the very darkest of my's dark depressions (which can be very bad for a Manic/Despressive).
The though occured to I that most people become unhappy when it rains and it causes them to think such things as: "Now I won't be able to go outside and do this or that", "Maybe this or that wil be cancelled because of the rain" or "Why does it always rain when I really want to do something". It was then that I's realised that these thoughts coem from a selfish mind, because they cannot see the Truth of Rain beyond the Illusion of Themselves. They cannot see what life and beauty the rain doth bring. How it brings forth the Truth of The Sky and The Flowers, nourishes all life this world brings forth and alters the light to cast new glories upon the world. These realisation brought a strange smile to this jagged lips and the world was good for a time.
The Rain brings so much to the world, including Truth and Knowledge.
Dwell on these lessons.
The Pimp NeonBlack
Yeah, i've had a shitty couple of weeks, but on saturday i go to camp for 3 weeks, which is going to be awesome, i have a lot of friends who go there, including a female friend who wants to screw me.... so it could be fun.
I'm not going to touch this with a 50 ft. pole.

All I can say is that I hope your good days come more frequently. You obviously deserve that.
Trapped said:
the rain is...

Last week, friday to be exact... I'd had such a shit day, and i was ready to kill someone and/or burst into tears at the slightest thing... untill it started raining, just before i had to walk home...

Everyone was scuttling about with their umbrellas, splashing mud everywhere, complaining about how the world sucks because it is raining..

... and i actually walked home in the rain, with a smile on my face.

It washed everything away.

I have had such a hard year so far, I have been through so much that i sometimes can't breathe when i think about just everything closing in on me... and yet something so simple, and something so beautiful as the rain makes life worth living.

That friday night was amazing... I went to a mates place, and i curled up with her in front of the TV with a blanket, and we watched labrynth and The dark crystal untill we both fell asleep...

So profound was the rain that i actually feel somewhat good about things, despite everything...

There's a new Nevermore cd coming out, and a new Dimmu CD to check out soon, two positive things... and most importantly I've found the most amazing person within this girl i have known for nearly six years, went to school with, and have genearlly hung out with on occasion for the past few years... You never know what you have untill it is so close to you that it is almost a part of you.

Kegan had a terrible day today, one of the worst in weeks, and yet after a few (ermmm.. a few more than a few) beers, a bit of warm food in me, the company of my ever loving dog sam, and everything is peachy. The weekend comes soon, and i get to hang out with kellie at some point again, everything looks so bright, even in the shadow that has been everything lately...

Who cares you pathetic Imp. As you can see by the lack of response, no one cares. Dont you have real friends you can tell your stupid stories to.

Heres a bit of advice....GO EAT A DICK!!
Trapped said:
the rain is...

Last week, friday to be exact... I'd had such a shit day, and i was ready to kill someone and/or burst into tears at the slightest thing... untill it started raining, just before i had to walk home...

Everyone was scuttling about with their umbrellas, splashing mud everywhere, complaining about how the world sucks because it is raining..

... and i actually walked home in the rain, with a smile on my face.

It washed everything away.

I have had such a hard year so far, I have been through so much that i sometimes can't breathe when i think about just everything closing in on me... and yet something so simple, and something so beautiful as the rain makes life worth living.

That friday night was amazing... I went to a mates place, and i curled up with her in front of the TV with a blanket, and we watched labrynth and The dark crystal untill we both fell asleep...

So profound was the rain that i actually feel somewhat good about things, despite everything...

There's a new Nevermore cd coming out, and a new Dimmu CD to check out soon, two positive things... and most importantly I've found the most amazing person within this girl i have known for nearly six years, went to school with, and have genearlly hung out with on occasion for the past few years... You never know what you have untill it is so close to you that it is almost a part of you.

Kegan had a terrible day today, one of the worst in weeks, and yet after a few (ermmm.. a few more than a few) beers, a bit of warm food in me, the company of my ever loving dog sam, and everything is peachy. The weekend comes soon, and i get to hang out with kellie at some point again, everything looks so bright, even in the shadow that has been everything lately...

this is the nicest post I've ever read on this forum.
may the sun break the clouds.....
Yeah, people are always trying to hide from the rain. It's kind of symbolic if you think about it. Although, almost everything is symbolic to me. Anyway, I'm glad to hear that things are going a little better for you Trapped, and I hope that they continue on in that direction. Good luck.
*looking outside at the sun and heat*

ugh...hate Los Angeles

*moving to Seattle*
For this Trapped one, no matter how awful it is, a door will open showing you love and compassion where you least anticipated it's arrival. Take care of yourself, enjoy those wonderful moments, savor it, revel in it. That's your comfort when times are harder.
I personally love the rain for the most part. Extreme crazy rain and thunder storms are wicked too. I find thunder storms to be quite erotic actually.....don't ask me why since I guess it seems kinda weird.
Summer rain showers are teh best though. It;s hot, you're outside with some friends, and it starts to pour and no one gives a shit....it's comforting and cools you down. Then you're alll dry in only an hour cause the weathers nice. Summer rules. Summer also means mountain biking..........alright i'm done.

Too bad there's no metal fests in the area cause summr also means big outdoor metal fests......stupid Germans and their damn fests.....
The Coitus brigade said:
Who cares you pathetic Imp. As you can see by the lack of response, no one cares. Dont you have real friends you can tell your stupid stories to.

Heres a bit of advice....GO EAT A DICK!!

Ha ha... Dude, that made my day worthwhile hey... :lol:

Trapped, you live in Brissie don't ya? I moved down at the beginning of the year. Whereabouts are you situated?

I'm on the southside dude, at Carindale... Yourself?

Which subway you at?
Hmmmm, I missed this thread.

Rain is very cool...it tends to focus my thoughts. I remember one time walking down a hill to a bus stop in the rain, with this girl who I had a thing for (still do)...I was actually able to have a lucid conversation with her without my brain fragmenting. It's one of my fondest memories of the past year or so.

Mainly, I like rain because it keeps other people indoors so I can wander the streets without being bothered.