Your random annoyance of the day

I must be a totally miserable prick because I post in here quite often. :lol:

But seriously - FUCK tractor trailer dispatchers. Right in their goddamn asses. Sneaky, lying bastards.
+1 to that ^^

Be glad it happened now and not down the road. Shit, I literally NEVER had a girlfriend until I was like 23 years old. Thought I'd never get laid, blah blah. First relationship lasted 5 fucking years. And it was pretty much 5 years of misery. I don't know how I lasted that long, but I was in "love" and didn't want to lose what I had. The last year or 2 I had suspected she may be talking to other dudes behind my back and stuff. She then "fell out of love" with me and started ignoring all my texts/calls and always gave the "I'm busy" excuse. Come to find out, she was seeing someone else. It crushed me pretty badly, but I turned that sadness into madness and almost instantly started hanging out with other girls. About a year later, this chick I knew from like 10 years ago contacted me and we started hanging out and now we're over 2 1/2 years into a relationship and it's way better than my stuck-up ex. Yeah we bicker and fight here and there but I can totally trust this girl and don't have to worry about her being in college hours away from me and whatnot.

Either way, hang in there and make the best of it. It's fucking awesome being single.

actually sounds very similar to my thing :( we'll see how I go. luckily im not the suicidal type haha
Sorry to read about the breakups. Things do get better over time. Focus on positive and productive things- you're not being fair to yourself keeping in that mindset of "why does she just get to walk away and be happy and I'm left here picking up the pieces". I'm speaking from experience. Still working on myself and it's almost been two years. Sometimes your lowest points can be your most creative- write a song(s) about it. Even if you're so bummed you don't want to leave your bed, just get out of bed and do something productive with the talents you have. It helps.
My opinion, about the subject is that if you want to pursue some kind of objective and be fucking good at it, it´s better being alone, because you can focus all the atention on it and put aside all useless emotions. Of course, there are some exceptions because not all women are the same. But a totally supportive one it´s a rare thing.

So, Fuck Her Right in the Pussy! ahah
Although i've been dating someone for months (had sex and stuff, great friendship and lots fun), i am very annoyed with the fact my ex-GF is already pregnant and buying a house after only being together for four months. She works at same place i do, and last time i had a longer chat with her, she was annoyed with how her new BF was always talking about having children. Although she is 32years old, she looks way younger, is pretty, hot and mostly happy looking but seriously fucked up and a little suicidal even. It's is how i got over her mostly, but keep forgetting this.
Although i've been dating someone for months (had sex and stuff, great friendship and lots fun), i am very annoyed with the fact my ex-GF is already pregnant and buying a house after only being together for four months. She works at same place i do, and last time i had a longer chat with her, she was annoyed with how her new BF was always talking about having children. Although she is 32years old, she looks way younger, is pretty, hot and mostly happy looking but seriously fucked up and a little suicidal even. It's is how i got over her mostly, but keep forgetting this.

Girls can get mental about children. One of my best friends had a GF for say like 5 years or so. He didn't want to have children yet (he's 28, she's 24) she wanted children bad. They broke up, she found a new boyfriend and got pregnat within 6months.

There are some girls that just want to have children. Doesn't seem to matter with who haha.
She didn't wanted children anymore really. She already has a 12 year old daughter. I know she wants a guy who can support her enough so she can quit her second job (this wasn't me). He wanted kids badly, so i guess they just made some sort of deal. So i can't say congrats or anything because of fuck you =)
I was playing a riff that I created in a wrong way in a middle of a recording session, I only noticed that I was doing it wrong after hearing the midi bass in solo!lol What a dumbass! :ill:
Random annoyance of the past year:

I have to deal with liberals shoving more fucking regulation (only a portion I agree with) down my throat making it god damn impossible to hire people. All the while they pushed these plans but due to all the regulation, the hiring process drags and fucking drags. Oh and our dick bag governor slashed our budget by over $90 million last year. Don't worry though we want to fund the education of criminals, give taxpayer money to the bills and start a database tracking people who have done nothing other than fallow the laws.

Who the fuck wants to wait a month to start working making $28k a year in the highest taxed state in the nation? BTW you will be working with someone who is difficult to work with and the benefits are pretty shitty. Anyone? No?

Here is an example of how fucked up it is: If by some miracle, I was able to hire someone new a DAY after the old staff turned in their 2 weeks. I would still not have a staff for 2 weeks. Since this is real life it's more like a month that I go without staff sometimes.

NYS just expects everyone to deal with it, including those who are effected by it (the mentally and physically disabled).
Having to work on my Bday. I really don't give a fuck about celebrating this day, but I like to just do as I please, drink some beers, puff a little green, and just chill.

I'm a fucking hermit. :lol:
Drum tracking. 1st day after all checks, I open the template and hit rec. I have only 1 hour left after all the final fine tuning.

Take 3: nailed it with no click and no need to edit. Nice!

The next day, I open the project and hear some exaggerated boing from the snare in the room track. OK, input is set on Analog 7 instead of ANALOG 5, which is the snare mic. My bad. I said to myself it was a good chance to speed it up by 1 bpm.

I retune the kit again and record one take. 12 tom sounds weird. OK, I placed it face down. Back to tuning. Hit rec, nailed it in take 4. Better performance, quite happy. I'm listening back and notice the floor tom track is blank on takes 3 and 4. Check the connection... signal is back.

2 more takes and having lunch right now. I can't wait to go back to the studio and hear what went wrong this time.