Your random annoyance of the day

Isn't the Apple (online) store cheaper (and faster, and easier) anyway?

Same price, but easier since I wouldn't have to deal with anyone. Wife went to a different one today and picked up an iPad mini with zero troubles. Looks like I just dealt with a pushy salesmen. :rolleyes:

I think, in the future, I'm just ordering online and learning to be patient about shipping.
Very horrible start of the day. Got to our job in Philly about 3 hours late. Having a bunch of guys standing around watching us work, asking questions....slowing things down. Get lost trying to find the hotel. Get some fast food, score! Back to hotel, realize it's about 100 degrees in my room and the heat doesn't seem to shut off. There are 2 long radiant heaters up near the ceiling, never seen this before in a hotel, and it's just BRUTAL. And I'm stuck here for 2-3 weeks.

Turned the AC on. :lol:

Fuck me.
I was going to fly from Brasilia to Lisbon when the airplane (comming from Lisbon) had some serious problems... Dropped more than 5k meters while flying above the atlantic. Almost a tragedy.
I'll fly tomorrow. Lost 100 EUROS (of rental) because of this.
Fucking stupid day at work. Up at 6am, work till 8:30pm....Dirty, ass-busting work. 4 tractor trailers lined up, waiting to get loaded. The heaviest piece we had to load gave us fits for like 6 hours. 71,000 lbs.....asshole trucker driver.....blocks busted through the floor of his trailer because he didn't want them placed the "correct" way, him bitching about how dirty the machine is, having to remove 6,000 lbs from the piece of machinery so it would put him legal under his permit, him trying to tell us to take off all sorts of stupid small/light shit that didn't have to be taken off.....GRR. Can't leave out the flat tire we picked up inside the warehouse as well. We checked out of our hotel this morning, trying to be home tonight....had to check back in tonight and go back tomorrow to finish. Icing on the cake - get to my room, toilet won't flush and tub won't drain. Uncle's dying of a brain tumor. And I have to setup my guitar tomorrow and practice for the first time in over 2 weeks for a show tomorrow night. Fuck me sideways.
My mom is going through a second divorce and is losing her health insurance- the other day one of the degenerating disks in her back collapsed as she was carrying up groceries. She just found a shitty job after being out from work and now it looks like she has to get surgery again. How she will afford that along with the pain meds to help deal with the permanent nerve damage- who knows. I feel helpless- I don't want to see her suffer anymore.
Found out one of my best friends is expecting his first child

Don't get me wrong i'm happy for the guy, but it's practically a year to the day that I found out me and the missus were expecting, which ended in termination due to a pregnancy condition nearly killing her.

Women who say guys aren't affected by miscarriages/terminations are talking complete bollocks, still absolutely crushed
Not quite just of the day, but more like of the month.

Basically got laid off from my job. I have about $400 to my name, my girlfriend covered my ass with rent, trying to pay an electric bill online right now and the website is just not letting me log in. Signed up for unemployment like 5 days ago, never got a call or anything from them. Also don't really feel that great about trying to get unemployment because I've always bitched about everyone else I knew who was on it, but FUCK IT. I've paid into everyone else's for so long. Just haven't been this broke in a while and it's frustrating as hell.
Getting denied for unemployment benefits. Like, fucking really? Isn't the whole point of unemployment to aid people who aren't earning enough $ to live because they have no control over the job they lost? Apparently I didn't earn enough $ last year to qualify. Fuck me.