Your random annoyance of the day

Getting denied for unemployment benefits. Like, fucking really? Isn't the whole point of unemployment to aid people who aren't earning enough $ to live because they have no control over the job they lost? Apparently I didn't earn enough $ last year to qualify. Fuck me.

I'm really sorry to hear this and I don't mean to belittle or make light of your struggles, but it's worth mentioning that unemployment benefits work off an insurance pool model and aren't just a guaranteed thing.
I'm really sorry to hear this and I don't mean to belittle or make light of your struggles, but it's worth mentioning that unemployment benefits work off an insurance pool model and aren't just a guaranteed thing.

Yeah, I honestly never thought about trying to get it before because I've never needed it. So I was pretty sketchy on exactly how everything worked when I actually filed. Now I know a bit more and found a chart online. Basically if I would have made $4k more for the year I would have qualified. Fortunately, my kick-ass dad (who I work for, anyway) offered to throw me a few hundred bucks to hold me over. Work's picking up in about a month anyway.
I broke my fucking tooth on a sandwich.

That sucks man. I have 2 busted teeth in my grill. My damn brother waving one of those old metal cap guns in my face as a kid, bam. The other....well.....don't try to play hacky-sack with a chunk of blacktop..... Both right in the front, top and bottom. Perfect.
I'm really sorry to hear this and I don't mean to belittle or make light of your struggles, but it's worth mentioning that unemployment benefits work off an insurance pool model and aren't just a guaranteed thing.

Fucking hell, you guys have it so tight in the States, that's absolute bullshit.
Unemployed again as of mid June because I had one sick day on the last day of training and they didn't have the resource to catch me up on the one day (even though they had too many people in and sent about 6 people home after firing me) and now I'm not going to get enough housing benefit for my flat because it's two bedroom but I'm not able to claim support for my son because he's not with me full time...

All messed up...
Got out of the shower yesterday, stretched and coughed at the same time, pinched a nerve in my back. Super painful and pretty much made my awesomely planned day of smoking some meats not as enjoyable. Murica.
Got a better bass guitar, it's used and didn't have pickups, I thought I could use the pups from my crappier bass.. but nooo, of course not..
The better one is an Ibanez, and the one I already had is a Harley Benton AKA. Extra low budget..
The pups fit, without the covers, I might just fuck the covers up to get them to fit.. can't afford new pups, the cheapest I can find are like 4 times as expensive as guitar pups.. so..
And of course, trying to make the covers fit, one got stuck under a slight edge, like a cunthairs width, so when I pulled the cover out it tore like a thumbsize area of wood and finish off..
More like of the month, it appears I've entered the cycle where my lack of job experience prevents me from getting a job. There are so many jobs that you'd think wouldn't be hard to get that want you to have a year or two of customer service experience. I don't have that necessarily as a job, but I do. Hopefully this cycle will end soon, I'm starting to get the hang of wording my experience properly.
ultra stressful weekend full of work, car brakes fucked up so I need to get them changed, probably the whole set so that's going to be at least 200€,
need a new camera, too, that's going to be at least 500€, one of my clients doesn't respond at all out of sudden.

Fuck that, I'm sooo tired but I need to get the car fixed until tomorrow and I need some info from the client to finish the project in the next 2 weeks
and get paid in the next 4 weeks, need the money for an already booked vacation... some other stuff needs to get repaired, so now I have to pay
around 1.000€ before leaving for my vacation and it was already tough money-wise.
ultra stressful weekend full of work, car brakes fucked up so I need to get them changed, probably the whole set so that's going to be at least 200€,
need a new camera, too, that's going to be at least 500€, one of my clients doesn't respond at all out of sudden.

Fuck that, I'm sooo tired but I need to get the car fixed until tomorrow and I need some info from the client to finish the project in the next 2 weeks
and get paid in the next 4 weeks, need the money for an already booked vacation... some other stuff needs to get repaired, so now I have to pay
around 1.000€ before leaving for my vacation and it was already tough money-wise.

yay, it got even worse, helping my gf to assemble some stuff took way longer than we thought, so I wasn't able to work at all today.
While we did this, my car got fixed, had some other problems, it got more expensive, used my dad's car at that time.
Came back to my parents place, had to bring my dad to the hospital because of internal bleedings (luckily not that bad, but still...)
so after a long and expensive day I thought it should get easier....nope

As soon as we arrived at home we found our cat almost dying (he's 10 and quite fit) took him to the vet, had to spent
even more and so on.
About a week ago, was hanging at my buddies. We both live in the same little community, about a block from each other.

Hanging out, grilling, drinking some beers. Next morning my girlfriend went to check the mail and told me there was a cock-and-balls "painted" on the back of my car. Go out and check it out. Looked like white paint, so I start trying to scrape it off. This is all over my rear tail lights and hatch. Tried 409 Cleaner, wiped right off. Ok so some punk kid fucked with me.

Very next night, go to same buddies house, grilling, chilling, kept going out to my car after dark to check if it got fucked with. Nothing for the first few hours. Then, go check, bam - a big old "FUCK YOU PUSSY!!!" all over my rear hatch window. So I'm fucking livid.

Another friend shows up shortly after, like literally 2-3 mins after I noticed I got tagged, and we have her drive us around the block. See 3 kids on bikes (clearly saw the reflectors on the pedals), followed them around a corner and suddenly they ditched the bikes and are walking. We stop at the intersection for an awkwardly long amount of time. The kids got all flustered and almost took off into the woods, but they decide to keep walking. So we pull up to them and ask if they know anything about the scenario. They obviously "didn't". Kids are like maybe 16, 17 years old.

So we head back and sorta lurk around the driveway, kinda hiding in the darkness, just waiting to see if they'd come back.....nothing. The friend that drove us around the block went to leave and she went around the block again, then came back to my buds place and told us she just saw the same 3 punks riding they clearly saw us coming and ditched their bikes before we confronted them. Have a pretty strong feeling it's them, but cannot prove it. Cannot beat them up or anything. Don't want to fuck with them back because next thing I know I'll have a smashed windshield or something crazy.

I've done NOTHING to bother anyone since we moved into this community. They only tagged my car, no one else's; and there were about 4 other cars in the driveway.

Either way, it has me super fucking pissed. I don't want to have to worry about my car being fucked with. I think once i return home from this job I'm on, I'm gonna head to my buddies and camp out in the darkness and try to catch these fuckers in least scare the shit out of them or something.

GRR! Little punks!

...and just found out she was cheating the whole time.

She did you a favor by dumping you because most sluts would have married you anyway and made your life a fucking hell. So instead of being your cheating girlfriend she would have been your cheating wife. you would have lost money on a wedding and lost money in the divorce.
+1 to that ^^

Be glad it happened now and not down the road. Shit, I literally NEVER had a girlfriend until I was like 23 years old. Thought I'd never get laid, blah blah. First relationship lasted 5 fucking years. And it was pretty much 5 years of misery. I don't know how I lasted that long, but I was in "love" and didn't want to lose what I had. The last year or 2 I had suspected she may be talking to other dudes behind my back and stuff. She then "fell out of love" with me and started ignoring all my texts/calls and always gave the "I'm busy" excuse. Come to find out, she was seeing someone else. It crushed me pretty badly, but I turned that sadness into madness and almost instantly started hanging out with other girls. About a year later, this chick I knew from like 10 years ago contacted me and we started hanging out and now we're over 2 1/2 years into a relationship and it's way better than my stuck-up ex. Yeah we bicker and fight here and there but I can totally trust this girl and don't have to worry about her being in college hours away from me and whatnot.

Either way, hang in there and make the best of it. It's fucking awesome being single.