A very special thanks to the most metal man on earth.


Cereal Shipping Sneapster
Dec 17, 2008
Long Beach, New York
Dear Andy,

I just wanted to let you know I cannot thank you enough for this amazing resource you have provided me throughout the past few years. I feel like we sometimes forget that you pay for this forum out of your pocket and have been infinitely more generous than many professionals in taking your time to support it.

Without this forum, I would not be where I am today. I have learned so much, made many friends who have impacted my life in the best ways, and have had a chance to network with engineers and artists from around the world.

I have not been here for very long, but I for one miss your presence around here, and hope to see you posting a bit more.

I also want to thank everyone on this forum who has been a part of my life. All of you who have been an inspiration and an example, bringing laughter and knowledge to the table simultaneously, are people who have and will continue to succeed.

Let's also not forget our wonderful mods who have kept this place organized and free of as much stupid as possible :lol:

I'd like to dedicate this post to the man who made it all possible, so how about an Andy Sneap love thread, people?

Horns up for Mr. Sneap \m/
i'd be nothing without the advice i've read on this forum. be it from andy, or from fellow members.

seriously andy, thanks so much for giving us this forum!

Changed the way I view forums and taught me virtually all I know. Been rediscovering a lot of Sneap mixes lately and can't believe how good all of them are, finding new things to appreciate in every listen.
Same for me, from the point on I registered here my learning curve went up like never before, and still does.
I allready spent hours going back pages in the forums. Once found something that I think is the very first thread for something that would become alestorm at some point later on lol
It's one of the most valuable sources of information for this type of work, and I met some of the coolest dudes/musicians I know here, some of which I really consider friends.

Thanks a lot for such an awesome place!
And of course also for all the inspiring work you keep putting out
Changed the way I view forums and taught me virtually all I know. Been rediscovering a lot of Sneap mixes lately and can't believe how good all of them are, finding new things to appreciate in every listen.

Couldn't have said it any better!

Thank you Sneap and props to Greg for creating this post!

Defo my favorite spot on the web by FAR. Totally addicted to this forum.


I absolutely, without a doubt, would not be where I am at without Andy and this forum... this place has quite literally been life-changing.

much love to Andy.