A very special thanks to the most metal man on earth.

I literally check this forum about 2-3 times every single day. Such a massive amount of information on here. Props to the big man for starting this up so many years ago and continuing to support it!
I definitely don't listen to anywhere near as much metal now as I used too, nor are Andy's production jobs/mixes necessarily my favorite mixes/production jobs, but I'll ALWAYS have a place in my heart for metal and I'll always admire Andy's talent.
This forum really changed the way I look at music in general.
To be honest, before finding this place, I never had anywhere near as much respect for bassists and drummers, and also how drums and bass work in the music and in the mix as I do now.

Instead of being that idiotic guitarist that's only obsessed with finding the "holy grail of guitar tone", I've really learned to stop only just thinking about just one aspect and now instead I try to see the whole picture.
Although speaking of guitar tones, it's always awesome to have guys like Andy putting some great sounding, serious, tube amp and real cab tones which just stands out so much in a sea of overly digital, mediocre, same-ish sounding Axe FX tones that we keep hearing on some albums nowadays.

There's always someone that can learn something from listening to Andy's work, from reading his advice and of course reading this forum in general.
Yup, wouldn't be doing this for a living were it not for this place. Already told you once personally, but props to you Andy. This place is, and has been a boon to the engineering community for nearly a decade now.

Without the knowledge I've gained on this forum I probably wouldn't have been able to finish my band's debut album, and quite certainly not to a satisfying result.
Thank you Andy and all the sneapsters!
Discovered this forum years ago, and over the years, the knowledge shared by Andy and all you guys helped me achieve mixes that I can be proud of. Thanks Mr. Sneap for creating this forum for without its existence I don't see our musical projects/careers being where they are today. Long live the king of mixing metal!
I've learned a ton here as well. Kinda crazy how a forum could help so many people when most are just a place to bring others down. Thank you to Andy and everyone that makes this place what it is!