A very special thanks to the most metal man on earth.

I check this place BEFORE facebook when I log on. That's how much I like it.

Andy=Our Master

Hope to see you around more often soon!

I pretty much open both at the same time. Depends what kind of mood I'm in whether I check this or FB first.

I'm not entirely sure how I even found this place, honestly....I used to visit the LoG forum religiously and most of the people there were total assholes with the exception of a few cool ones. May have discovered UM through there.

Thank you, Mr. Sneap!

Dude, seriously, where IS your other hand? :lol:
I'm genuinely quite moved by this thread, thanks guys, its really cool of you all to show your appreciation m/. Nice to have you guys around here.

You deserve every ounce of thanks in the world. Thanks for continuing to support us, and I (and I'm sure everyone else) hopes to keep giving you a reason to do so.

On that note, is there anything you need from the U.S.? I wasn't joking before when I said it was time for a SneapShipment :rock: Don't be bashful.

Also, I can't forget to thank Deron, who has been a huge part of this as well :notworthy
I check this forum whenever I'm in front of the computer and it's always filled with excitement about what's the next thing the community is going to bring up, LOVE this place

:kickass: thanks!!
Your work inspires me in so many ways Andy. I truly appreciate EVERYTHING you have done for us over the years. Been here since 05' and since then everything you have shared has been invaluable. If it wasnt for this forum I never would have had the guts to open my own legitimate studio and make the jump from bedroom warrior to full time producer / engineer. Between you and Mr. Richardson I have learned SOOO much!

You truly deserve all the success you have and all the more success thats coming to you. Everything you touch is gold.

Thank you from my very soul Andy.
Here, here. Andy, I could never thank you enough for all the ways you've helped me and how much I've learned. I'm still constantly blown away by how generous and helpful you've always been. I recently finally quit the miserable day job and moved on to mixing + the band full-time, and there's no way I would have ever been able to do that if it weren't for you. A humble and sincere thanks.
matt, don't blame me if you go hungry...tho I can recommend Raisin Bran! I'm currently residing in Nashville btw, so I've got all things American covered thanks :)
If anyone is here in town, we tend to venture out at the weekends if you fancy a beer.
Oh wow, nashville, eh? I'd be stomped if I heard a country mix with the balls of a sneap record. My girl Bailey is currently in college up that way, what are you doing there?
This forum is the best place to learn audio enginerring, thanks to everyone who post/starting thread here. Especially to Andy Sneap. You guys are awesome !

I mean it :)
How much love guyz, I'm about to burst into tears...

No, seriously, I've been here more than 5 years and I learnt a lot and made some friends. Keep the good work.

Nashville, that is where Mr. Hoffman lives, isn't it? How is the album going btw?