A very special thanks to the most metal man on earth.

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Andy Sneap Forum

Honestly, I've learned SO MUCH from this forum. Sometimes I sit at my computer looking through old threads to see what else I can find out. I must check this forum 5 times a day.

Thanks, Andy!
I'll totally +1 on this topic!
A lot of the regular names on here I've given trust in their musical recommendations, gear recommendations and general advice. There's a lot of really life affirming stuff that comes from this forum - most of it beyond which mic to put on what. Some exceptionally clever folk on here who would do great in the world of teaching.

However - If it wasn't for the Sneapster himself the world of metal would be a much quieter and less balls-to-the-wall place.

It's rare to find a person who is revered in an industry be so open with his time and views. [strangely, James Murphy is on here too!]

Horns up! \m/
matt, don't blame me if you go hungry...tho I can recommend Raisin Bran! I'm currently residing in Nashville btw, so I've got all things American covered thanks :)
If anyone is here in town, we tend to venture out at the weekends if you fancy a beer.

Make sure you drop a line when you're in New York. You're going to have to find some vegetarian BBQ in Nashville... I'm sure someone will have it :lol:
Cheers to Andy and the best forum on the web! :kickass:

I learned so much (and still am) from this place, Andy, and all the other great posters. Not to mention in real life Andy is one of the good ones. Always a bonus when you get to meet one of your heroes and he is a totally kick ass guy!

Sneap mixes are some of the few that always sound good to me on any system. Nothing jumps out and irks me, and there are only a select few that do that, never mind doing it consistently time and time again.

:rock: :rock: :rock:

:lol: Whatever it may look like, I can assure you I was NOT touching Andy's bottom!

More like pickpocketing his hoodie :lol:
Another huge thanks here. This forum brought me out of the "wtf" that was Harmony Central to the focus of like and driven minds pushing each other and sharing knowledge for the betterment of the whole community. I can say without a doubt that this forum and Andy's shared resources has taken my interest to a hobby and that hobby quickly to a business that I love and enjoy. Every single day this forum teaches me something or forces me to think outside my comfort zone for the better. Thanks to the big man and a back-handed thanks to Andy for making me facepalm after using his mixes as a reference. Bastard's too good! :lol:
I was gonna post an almost exact same thread, Thanks to Andy and Thanks to Greg (Greg is a fuckn legend btw)- I've been playing in and out of metal bands since I was 14 (now 42) and never thought about attempting to mix....and now it looks like I might just live the dream of doing my own first mix in 2011/2012 - its a real community and its awesome how its managed to keep a lot of the usual internet nuff nuffs out - you guys rawk