AA tabs?

Oh my...

Yes, A# = Bb same thing, since half a step up from A is A# and half a step down from B s Bb... they are the same thing :grin:

Once the tuning is right, however, the tab should be easier.. another way to play it would be the rule of 5... where say the 2nd fret on the 3rd string down is the same note as the 7th fret on the string below.

An example...

D |----2-------2-------2-------2----|
A |--------------------------------- |
E |--------0--------0-------0-------|

is the exact same thing as

D |----------------------------------|
A |----7-------7-------7-------7----|
E |--------0-------0-------0--------|

This rule of 5 applies to almost any note on the guitar, with the exception of a few notes.

Play around with it, you might find playing it that way is more comfortable for you, although I think the higher tone on the song comes from the one played on the "D" string as opposed to the "A" string.. if you want to play it as close as possible to the way they play it.

For the whole OSFTGH Album AA tunes to C standard.. which is every string tuned down 2 full steps.

Hope this helps you some if you're having difficulty... the tab 'IS' correct as far as I'm aware, if anyone sees any errors let me know (Oli? Johan? :)).

Have fun Judas :rock: March on
would be great :)
GuitarPro tabs would be great, but PowerTab or txt format would be cool, too :grin:

If you only know how to play them vaguely, thats no great problem, I would also try to improve them as good as I can once I have them.

thanks in advance
Floyd said:
would be great :)
GuitarPro tabs would be great, but PowerTab or txt format would be cool, too :grin:

If you only know how to play them vaguely, thats no great problem, I would also try to improve them as good as I can once I have them.

thanks in advance

Sure, By vaguely I mean one guitar part for most of it, but it's no big deal, I'll try and figure the rest out aswell. They're not terribly complex although they have some interesting notes.

I'll try powertab first, but I'll also make it in txt format because I'm not amazingly fluent in ptb, so sometimes there's lots of time errors and such, so it might not open for you :p I'll get them yo you as soon as I can. I'll post here to let you know where you can get them as they're available.
Floyd said:
great, I'm really looking foreward to it /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif

thanks /forum/images/smilies/supergrin.gif

Ok, here's For the Stabwounds in our Backs

Powertab Format


Text Format

I'm proud of this one, I'm 110% sure this is EXACTLY what it is.
Lemme know what you think

Note that the Powertab one is messy to look at, but if you listen (METRONOME OFF) it's basically the song in it's real time.

Enjoy! the others are in the works.
hey, sounds great (though I haven'T tried to play it yet)
maybe I'll try and do it in GuitarPro-format, too with drumms and everything :grin:
Pyaemia said:
Hey man im the one who tab "Victorious March" on http://archenemies.com/tabs/a/amon_amarth.htm
but whoever did this website took it from http://www.dsrmusic.com plz go there instead they have thousands of tabs! And Vict. March is the only song i ever tab! So its probably kinda shitty! :P

Wait a second, are you accusing me of STEALING a tab? Seeing as the song is played the same way, I find it hard to beleive you have the only tab of Victorious March out there. I was unaware of yours, so I made my own :wave:
AxeOfDarkness said:
itd also be cool if i could get tabs for thousand years of oppression.... i havent seen any tabs for the songs off of versus the world yet....

Check the rest of this thread for "for the Stabwounds in our backs", I tabbed that one out, and I'm also working on Death in Fire and Vs the World... Thousand years of Oppression is hard, the second guitar is kinda faded in the background almost, and hard to decipher correctly. Let me do these other ones... :grin:
Hey, I hate to be a pest or whatever. I've found a few places that have the same tab for "Last With Pagan Blood" tabbed by a guy named Maddin. Now, it doesn't seem perfect to me. He did a great job for the most part, but a few parts seems kinda... off. It may just be my crummy guitar playing. Check it out. here is a link.
let me know if i'm just playing it wrong or if the tab is slightly wrong. Again, it was tabbed nicely and I don't have the talent nor the guts to even try to tab a song, so I give home a lot of credit.
I think it is kinda off but one thing i find weird is that i tried to find a couple of riff from last with pagan blood a few months back and my guitar is tune to C# and this tab says 2.5 step down,thats B if im not mistaken... I know they are tune very low on there latest album but i don think (then again my earing is not that great) they are on "The Avenger" album. Victorious March(and the whole album me thinks...) is tune to C. Anyone knows for a fact what they are tune in on the avenger album?