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Apr 26, 2001
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I know that the one on my play isn't the ready version...but the quiet start before singing is quite out of order ...all the instrument seem to play in a different tempo or at least they are not in synch....
and yet one thing there are these two instrumental sections before the solo parts.

The first goes: A5/A5/F5 G5/A5
A5/A5/F5 G5/D5/F5 G5/A5....and the secod one goes from E5 to G and d and c and what ever......but to me it sounds that the bass is playig the first one using E5?
so the consequence: it's playing it 5 steps to low
I am aware of both situations. I posted that mix for constantine so he could hear he was playing in the wrong key for big chunks of the song.

As for the begining...its your drum track that out of sync big time. I fixed it in my mix here...just never bothered to put it up on myplay.
um...maybe i should have explained how i did the drums before you launched into recording....

The start with drums is a little bit tricky 'cos i'm playing it in the same way as Nicko does it live (usually).

So the first beat on the hi-hat isn't the first beat of the bar. Infact it starts same time with the lead guitar and that means it is the second fourth of the bar. Got it?

If this doesn't help the reason might be somewhere else. It is so easy to get the tracks out of order when we convert and decode them all the time and even my the recording prosess can be blamed.

But I hope ou got it fixed somehow......if not...maybe you should edit the drums out where it doesn't work. They seem to be fine when the singing starts...
That explains a lot. Constantine recorded his part against the original. I spent God knows how many hours cutting and pasting both of your tracks to fit together. When I went to post whats up on myplay, I obviously had not fixed the first part 100%. I hope the rest of the song is ok. The drum tracks was cut into about 7 different tracks!

I'm waiting for constantine to get some time to rerecord this one...and for virus to submit his parts. May be awhile.
Your right Rabies. When I recorded the track, I used the original version. There
was no discussion about doing this song, I was screwing around one afternoon
and thought I would give it a go.

I have downloaded the mix and agree, I'm off key in certain sections. Once my other
projects are caught up, I'll begin work on this one. It just needs a simple key change
and I'm off to the races.

take care