About God



yesterday i was at the movie "Signs" with Mel Gibson and he is acting like a priest who has lost his fate in god after seeing his wife smashed by car accident...
I wonder - do you believe in God?
I surely don't...
I don't either. Tho it's kinda sad to think that death is final, there's nothing after that and you just turn to dust. But then again it makes me live more passionate and do things I really like.

Who am I kidding, my life is dead boring :rolleyes:
i'll quote Douglas Adams with an interesting thought
I refuse to give evidences for my existence - said God,
coz the evidences exclude the faith and without faith I'm nothing.
I don´t believe in God, I was never Christened and I grew up without any religions.. The only thing I truly believe in is me :D ...The best belief you can have... and for me there´s nothing higher than the nature.. (I´m a biologist, remember? *gg* :lol: )
It makes a difference in some peoples lives, sadly. (well sadly from my point of view). Givin up all your life and earthly possessions to some religion/church/whatever in hope of paradise after death for example. They might be kinda pissed when (if :rolleyes: ) they find out there's nothing after life.
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
It makes a difference in some peoples lives, sadly. (well sadly from my point of view). Givin up all your life and earthly possessions to some religion/church/whatever in hope of paradise after death for example. They might be kinda pissed when (if :rolleyes: ) they find out there's nothing after life.

:lol: 'kinda pissed'..happy happy joy joy!

(no, it IS sad, really, but.. :lol: )
difficult subject - Gods, and that.....i try to remain open minded...
most of the time its humans themselves that are the problem and they need something... maybe an excuse, a scapegoat, a shoulder to cry on, an explanation, i dont know what, but i can't help thinking most humans are missing the point...

I'll just quote Bill Hicks for now

"Fundamentalist Christianity - fascinating. These people actually believe that the the world is 12,000 years old. Swear to God. Based on what? I asked them.

"Well we looked at all the people in the Bible and we added 'em up all the way back to Adam and Eve, their ages: 12,000 years."

Well how fucking scientific, okay. I didn't know that you'd gone to so much trouble. That's good. You believe the world's 12,000 years old?

"That's right."

Okay, I got one word to ask you, a one word question, ready?



You know the world is 12,000 years old and dinosaurs existed, they existed in that time, you'd think it would have been mentioned in the fucking Bible at some point.

"And lo Jesus and the disciples walked to Nazareth. But the trail was blocked by a giant brontosaurus... with a splinter in his paw. And O the disciples did run a shriekin': 'What a big fucking lizard, Lord!' But Jesus was unafraid and he took the splinter from the brontosaurus's paw and the big lizard became his friend.

"And Jesus sent him to Scotland where he lived in a loch for O so many years inviting thousands of American tourists to bring their fat fucking families and their fat dollar bills.

"And oh Scotland did praise the Lord. Thank you Lord, thank you Lord. Thank you Lord."

:saint: :devil: :confused:
god exists inside everyone i think. its our moral system,our thoughts and insticts,our inspiration,etc.certainly i dont think we came down here totally blank.

of course the fact that some people see that their god is master of the universe is almost ridiculous.
At least everyone has to agree there is something...
@ LostLenore and others, why thinking God is only there for good things...
Some people consider God as something very different... is he guarding us, taking care of us, as the creator of the world, or as someone who is responsible for feelings/acts of people... he's in other people, in nature, even weirdo's their cars or idols are God for them...etc
If you want to find God, you will do! If not, you won't. It's as simple as that!
God for me is everything around me, I feel myself in the middle of the world, and everything that's happening I consider as a act of God...
Originally posted by the_good_son141
god exists inside everyone i think. its our moral system,our thoughts and insticts,our inspiration,etc.certainly i dont think we came down here totally blank.

of course the fact that some people see that their god is master of the universe is almost ridiculous.

you sound like some kind of neo-platonist. very interesting!!

but i've never met anyone who thought that god was master of the universe. surely that was he-man.

....sorry, i'm having difficulty adjusting to the open-minded tolerance of the 'anathema board religious discussion' thread after the playground antics of the 'opeth board religious discussion'. i'm sure i'll adjust eventually!!
I remember me and Digger were arguing with these two god squad women. They told us that if we didnt give ourselves to Jesus then we would burn in hell:cry: I asked them what happened to cavemen or babies who die young, who wouldnt even be able to say the word 'Jesus' nevermind give themselves to him. They couldnt answer my question so we said goodbye. They asked us where we were going and Digger said 'we're off to get pissed and have a night of sin'. They replied 'God will punish you for it'. As we walked away laughing, a bird shit in Diggers chips:lol: Later on that night, we were attacked by a car full of skinheads and a man with a beard, then we had to walk all the way home (about 10 miles) :cry:
Nice one God :mad:
Originally posted by speakinstone
...it doesnt make any difference to this life, anyway.
to this life? you mean that in some other life it would matter?
Originally posted by Strangelight
I remember me and Digger were arguing with these two god squad women. They told us that if we didnt give ourselves to Jesus then we would burn in hell:cry: I asked them what happened to cavemen or babies who die young, who wouldnt even be able to say the word 'Jesus' nevermind give themselves to him. They couldnt answer my question so we said goodbye. They asked us where we were going and Digger said 'we're off to get pissed and have a night of sin'. They replied 'God will punish you for it'. As we walked away laughing, a bird shit in Diggers chips:lol: Later on that night, we were attacked by a car full of skinheads and a man with a beard, then we had to walk all the way home (about 10 miles) :cry:
Nice one God :mad:
maybe those women cursed you with black magic :lol: (dunno probably they call it white magic)
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
They might be kinda pissed when (if :rolleyes: ) they find out there's nothing after life.

Hmm, if there´s nothing after this life then they won´t find out anything :p ;)

And if heaven and hell really exist... well at least we won´t have to freeze anymore :lol: :lol:
Well I do believe that there is something out there... Just nothing that any religion has ever comprehended. Because every religion has its flaws... And the only true religion should resemble God... It should be flawless...

When the question comes to heaven and hell I don't think that there is such a thing... Because this represents the idea "good people go to heaven, bad people go to hell". The fact is that (apart from extremly rare occasions) nobody is completely good or completely bad. Besides, some things that can be seen from one perspective good might be seen from another perspective bad...

Personally I try to get along with myself... If I do something that I think is bad then I do have regrets. And I try (not very successfuly unfortunately) not to do things that hurt others... When I do hurt other I try to make things right. And I do not need a confession to make things right, because if you do say 10 "Hail Mary"s will not make things right as some people believe.

That's enough for now, sorry for boring you :)

Take care :D