About the Solefald re-releases!

karps do you think it's possible to request an official Solefald forum, here at UltimateMetal? that would be awesome.. Vintersorg, Borknagar and Solefald on the same board!
we all know they deserve a forum!!!
and a decent website!!!
and a better label!!! speaking of which, when do you think they'll announce who they've signed with? i really wanna know.
What do you think we have to do? Would we have to contact UM or the band for a forum? I don't know when they will announce their label, for all I know, they don't have one yet! Maybe they will wait for a label when they are ready for a new album.
Bands have to pay for a forum on UM if i'm not mistaken.

That's pretty stupid since there are better forum packs you can get for free. All you need is a host, and if you already have a website.... heh.
If I recall Kazaum asked Cornelius about making a site for them, he got no reply though.
I was going to try contacting them, I have fan sites under construction at the moment~ n_n
I said I would make a site for them if they wanted. But meh I never really heard anything more about it.
I was bored one day and made them a fan page on bebo though! :lol: http://--Solefald--.bebo.com
I don't think anyone has ever really been there though!

I guess I could always make a proper fan one..... solefald.eu!!
I'm sorry to hear that.... I haven't gotten to buy Vintersorg new album yet, I did download it, I will buy it when I can afford it. I try to buy things I won't be able to download first, then buy things I downloaded when I can afford to.
yesterday when i came home i ordered the Solefald reissues and they said they'd send them out today.

i think i'll also wait with the new Vintersorg album a couple more days. i don't necessarely 'need' SR as bad as the Solefald reissues, because i've already heard the downloaded version a couple zillion times. i am curious about the artwork though.

but oh man.. i can't wait to hear the new Neonism :D
Bwhaha, forcing my boyfriend to buy the Solefald albums for me.
Gonna go buy myself Vintersorg tomorrow n_n

Wish I had a boyfriend who would buy me Solefald. :p

I have the original Neonism, but I want the bonus track as well, and I have never been able to find The Linear Scaffold.
Will they be in regular jewel cases this time? I hope not. I really liked the oackaging of Neonism.
:hypno: damn and I have no money hehe, I'll try to get the original versions 1st to see the difference :cool: .

Oh and I didn't know Mr.V's (Vrg Virkens of course :lol: ) new album was out, I don't really follow his solo carreer hehe :p . I'll download it and if I like it I may get it :kickass: .
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
damn and I have no money hehe, I'll try to get the original versions 1st to see the difference
well good luck, because of the re-releases the originals are becoming a lot harder to find. and they already were pretty much impossible to obtain before, otherwise you would have already have them, now wouldn't you? ;)
:hypno: damn and I have no money hehe, I'll try to get the original versions 1st to see the difference :cool: .

Oh and I didn't know Mr.V's (Vrg Virkens of course :lol: ) new album was out, I don't really follow his solo carreer hehe :p . I'll download it and if I like it I may get it :kickass: .

Are you saying there's a new Burzum record? I haven't heard that. Or were you jsut talking about Vintersorg, and I didn't get the joke?
Rivfadír;6115486 said:
Are you saying there's a new Burzum record? I haven't heard that. Or were you jsut talking about Vintersorg, and I didn't get the joke?

Mr.V could mean either Vintersorg or Varg, so it's instantly hilarious.
I mean, there's no other musicians with names starting with V either.
well good luck, because of the re-releases the originals are becoming a lot harder to find. and they already were pretty much impossible to obtain before, otherwise you would have already have them, now wouldn't you? ;)

I actually I'm about to buy old Neonism hehe :rock: .

Rivfadir said:
Are you saying there's a new Burzum record? I haven't heard that. Or were you jsut talking about Vintersorg, and I didn't get the joke?

Hehe I can't believe someone actually bought it hahaha :lol: :p . No I mean Vintersorg hehe :p .
This is actually a prank some other phorum member made to me when I first started to post around here hehe, so I decided to continue with the tradition :lol: .