About the Solefald re-releases!

hey guys the first will hold the new neonism in his greedy hands, please tell us about the new sound(I hope its so good as TLS) and the bonustrack, I have the originals(hey danny you saw them at my place *g*)and think about getting the second renewed neonism when its avaiable in germany
i should be getting them this week, so stay tuned!

i'm still not sure whether or not the Jernlov demo tape of 1995 will be featured as bonus tracks on The Linear Scaffold. (even though i'm one of the 300 extremely lucky bastards to own an original copy, #273 :D )

also, i hope they included the original Neonism artwork (that awesome blurred front cover), on the Avantgarde website there's only the 'Past, Present, Future' triangle.
we'll see..
I'm pretty sure that's the new artwork.

And I don't believe Linear Scaffold has any bonus tracks.
Jernlov is gonna be released on that "rarities and demos" cd that Solefald is releasing later this year with Cornelius' book.
hey guys the first will hold the new neonism in his greedy hands, please tell us about the new sound(I hope its so good as TLS) and the bonustrack, I have the originals(hey danny you saw them at my place *g*)and think about getting the second renewed neonism when its avaiable in germany

Hehe yeah lucky bastard * g * :p . I'll have it soon hopefully :) :kickass: .

@ Azzor: Care to sell the Jernlov demo? Please? :p :cool:

@ Karpsmom: Cool more Solefald releases! :rock:

The Neonism tracklist has been changed a bit:

Proprietors of Red
Speed Increased to Scaffold
CK 2 Chanel
A Motion Picture
Backpacka Baba
Third Person Plural
04.34 PM
The New Timelessness

it sounds FUCKING AWESOME. actually, there's not really THAT much difference compared to the original, but as we all know, the original Neonism sounds too good to describe with words. must say i expected a little more difference, though.
Cosmophony is such a killer song. nice abstract lyrics as well, check them out.

however, i am DEEPLY disappointed by the booklet's artwork. there's just blank backgrounds, each page a different color, with the lyrics centered on it. i think Avantgarde used some kind of layout template which was used to make the booklest for the Icelandic Oddysey.

The Linear Scaffold has a high quality picture of Lazare and Cornelius, previously only printed on the rare TLS shirt (which has already mostly faded on mine :goggly: ). but apart from that, only black pages with no artwork from the original TLS booklet, sadly.

i wonder why Avantgarde needed 2 months extra, and still did such a crappy job..

two copies of the first two Solefald albums still aren't enough...
YES I GOT THEM TOO. I came home from work and they were sitting there waiting for me! I think Neonism sounds amazingly different. Everything is so much crisper and clearer, no necro quality like the original Neonism. And Cosmophony is fucking AWESOME!!!!
Hehe I don't think I'll get them soon, I spent too much on E-bay last month, so I'll wait a bit hehe :p . Still, I'll definetly buy them :rock: .
I just orderd both from the end records :) So does Neonism sound much better? because I really disliked the production on the original cd?
I, for one, personally think the new Neonism does not sound much 'better', but again, karps says it's completely different.
you will probably like the new one a lot better than the old one of you're one of those (many) who think the original Neonism sounds totally crap.
I, for one, personally think the new Neonism does not sound much 'better', but again, karps says it's completely different.
you will probably like the new one a lot better than the old one of you're one of those (many) who think the original Neonism sounds totally crap.

I don't think the original sounded like crap. I just don't think it's fitting production. I appreciate them doing it for the whole "black metal production" stuff, but I don't think it's that kind of album.

lol@boyfriends legs.
I feel so behind comapred to you guys.
Not too sure, might just be some shine from the casing. My boyfriend said it hasn't be opened and there are no cracks so it should be perfectly fine. I just hope it doesn't get damaged in the mail on the way to my place D: