About to give up on drumagog


Oct 26, 2009
Okay.. so I know that I JUST said I've never really had problems with drumagog.. But this past band has really proven the shittiness of the program (or my lack of goodness at using it)..

I have the same track running two instances of drumagog to blend a kick.. For some reason, it was working just fine for a song, then the next song, the kicks sound out of phase.. one kick is hitting before the other. WTF?
Yeah yeah. I think I should finally just do it haha.

Doesn't trigger only trigger slate samples though?
Trigger also uses straight .wav samples. That's what I load with it. Using a couple of Andy's kick and snare samples via .wav in the mix I'm working on now. I used to use Drumagog a lot. I was skeptical at first because it took days for Slate support to get me my authorization code. But in the end, it was worth it. Trigger is hands down the best and most user-friendly drum replacement program ever. Just expect to have to wait like 5 days after you buy it to be able to use it.
Trigger also uses straight .wav samples. That's what I load with it. Using a couple of Andy's kick and snare samples via .wav in the mix I'm working on now. I used to use Drumagog a lot. I was skeptical at first because it took days for Slate support to get me my authorization code. But in the end, it was worth it. Trigger is hands down the best and most user-friendly drum replacement program ever. Just expect to have to wait like 5 days after you buy it to be able to use it.

Sorry to be a bit offtopic, but can you load multiple .wav's into one slot so they trigger randomly? Or do you have to make it into a .tci? The instrument editor is easy as hell to use, but I'm a lazy fuck so is it possible?
No, you must make a TCI for proper randomization.

And Nick, just get TRIGGER man, you won't be disappointed at all. It comes with Slate samples but you most certainly can use your own sample sets as well with it. It's really easy to make the TCI, it is (as said) like making a GOG. Hell, to be honest I haven't been using the included Slate stuff lately, mostly just custom sample sets I made TCI's out of.
Sell that shit. It's truely horrific, dunno about drumagog 5 though, but it seemed clunky to me when I tried the demo, didn't even had much interest about it.

Go for Trigger

We are sorry you're having trouble. Drumagog is not really designed to work in two instances on the same track. What you should do is make a copy of the track and have one instance of Drumgog on each track.

Also, are you using Drumagog 4 or 5? Try the demo of 5 and check out the completely new triggering and alignment which will also improve the sound of your mix.
You just have to download the editor to make your tci sample files. Its just like making gog sample files for drumagog, but you do it in a stand alone program rather than in the plug-in.

So, just because, I went to download the editor for Trigger. Guess what... yep, that's right.... link doesn't work. Slate's products are great, but the customer service and support is so broken, it's insane.

We are sorry you're having trouble. Drumagog is not really designed to work in two instances on the same track. What you should do is make a copy of the track and have one instance of Drumgog on each track.

Also, are you using Drumagog 4 or 5? Try the demo of 5 and check out the completely new triggering and alignment which will also improve the sound of your mix.

Sorry man but Drumagog 5 was a big disappointment for me. Phase was not that good when doing multiple samples on kick for example. And the interface changed for the worse.
Sorry man but Drumagog 5 was a big disappointment for me. Phase was not that good when doing multiple samples on kick for example. And the interface changed for the worse.

Sorry to hear you're unhappy with Drumagog 5. The alignment in this new version is phase accurate, and most of our users we have spoken to would agree that it is and that the new interface is a much simpler and sleaker look than in the previous version.

If you've had trouble, say with your kick, we'd be more than happy to take a look at the source track to see why it is not aligning properly.
So, just because, I went to download the editor for Trigger. Guess what... yep, that's right.... link doesn't work. Slate's products are great, but the customer service and support is so broken, it's insane.

Weird, not only did I not have to wait for my license but the link works for me...
I was just about to post a similar thread...
I've been having a problem with drumagog too.
Like I'll be running a Slate kick in Kontakt on one track, and then I'll run a snare in Drumagog on another track, and the snare in Drumagog triggers almost a full 16th note earlier than when it is supposed to, but the kick in Kontakt triggers just fine.
I was just about to post a similar thread...
I've been having a problem with drumagog too.
Like I'll be running a Slate kick in Kontakt on one track, and then I'll run a snare in Drumagog on another track, and the snare in Drumagog triggers almost a full 16th note earlier than when it is supposed to, but the kick in Kontakt triggers just fine.

so.. Print the Snare to another Track and Align it manually..
so.. Print the Snare to another Track and Align it manually..

It's not even that.. It's just that some of them are just completely inconsistent! Sometimes they match up perfectly, and other times they get triggered at different fucking times.. I'm buying trigger.
Sorry to hear you're unhappy with Drumagog 5. The alignment in this new version is phase accurate, and most of our users we have spoken to would agree that it is and that the new interface is a much simpler and sleaker look than in the previous version.

If you've had trouble, say with your kick, we'd be more than happy to take a look at the source track to see why it is not aligning properly.

Well even if i drag down hand timing to zero, i can still hear that something is wrong. Not as punchy, even with drumagog 4 it seemed to be better :S
And the CPU usage is quite dreadful compared to Drumagog 4.
...Just expect to have to wait like 5 days after you buy it to be able to use it.

uebdlcjsbd fml I was going to post and ask about this. Bought it last night and thought once verified that I would be given a direct link and hard copy whenever it arrived. I'm recording my friends bands EP Friday-Sunday doing 7 songs- I was all excited to get it last night and mess with is for the two days before.:bah:

Oh well- I'll continue as planned but use Drumagog 4 for the time being and just layer and print samples on another session until I get Trigger EX...

Btw, do the included samples with EX have room samples that sound pretty decent?