Absolute Beginners

barrys daughter says hi

shameless? let me tell you that 90% of the time i'm too ashamed to ask.

+ if you don't want to be questioned, than why start on it in the first place?

and @discouraged: thanks for changing that :)
thats the difference between men and girls, girls say things just to be asked afterwards. girls would go :
- im very sad today....
- oooooh reaaaally tell me why??? :)

while men would go :
- im feeling shit today.
- yeah? come on, lets go hunting.
That should go into the women's day thread.

But feeling sad and feeling shit, they're two different things.
breaklose said:
thats the difference between men and girls, girls say things just to be asked afterwards. girls would go :
- im very sad today....
- oooooh reaaaally tell me why??? :)

while men would go :
- im feeling shit today.
- yeah? come on, lets go hunting.

yup, unlike guys girls talk about these things
i bet you know the feeling though... only, when men are chattering endlessly about footie they like to call it a discussion, right?! :D