Acacia Strain/ Emmure Type Mix

Hey guys. I thought this was a dead thread so I stopped checking it and didn't realize there were questions. The full final release is up here:
Our facebook is here:

I need to know what you did for guitar man!

The guitars are pretty standard as far as things go around here. They were tuned to drop A. Lowest string was a 68 gauge. They were reamped through a tubescreamer, 6505, mesa OS cab. Single 57 in the right spot. Double tracked. Just EQ in the box beyond that if I remember correctly. The bass is really what makes the tone for me. Thick strings lowered to get a bit of a rattle and quite a bit of processing ITB.

Mix is pretty awesome but my favorite part is the vocals. Very clear and aggressive, can you tell us about how you did those? (mic, preamp, post processing, etc.)

Thanks man. The setup was very modest. It was an SM57 into a firepod. We worked alot on delivery and layering, and editing takes to be tight definitely helped. I also did alot of panning doubled vocals about 30L 30R. There is no reverb on vocals at all, only delay in certain effect parts. I got a little ambience from a stereo widening technique I used on the vocals where you set up 2 aux tracks being fed by vocals, pan them hard Left and Right, both with a 10-13ms delay on them. Then flip the phase on one. Mixing it in low widens the vocal a bit and its totally mono compatible. If I remember correctly it was just basic compression/ EQ/ de-esser but Ill get back if its different or had interesting settings after I get a chance to check the project file.

Nice mix man, good job.Br00tz.

What is your chain for the lead guitars starting 1:36 pls. What kind of delay/reverb pls, thx.

Lead guitars were the same chain as the guitars I wrote about above, only the amp settings were changed a little. The ambience on it comes from a long ping pong delay from the stock cubase ping pong delay plug-in.