Accident Thread

Never really had an accident. Last year almost though, tired popped at 180kmh on the GERMAN autobahn. Actually, 'twas pretty funny to expierence. The fucked thing was, we still had about 200km to go, on some tiny replacement wheel with which you shouldnt go faster that 80. :p
So much has happened to me I don't know where to start :p I'll go chronologically

I got attacked by hundreds of wasps when I was 5 :p Stepped on an underground nest and these fuckers came swirling in the air, and I was like fuck, run! Was fun, they were everywhere. Went home and into bath and then to hospital treatment and the doctor counter 150 or something stings.. maybe that's why I'm so fucking weird, I dunno..
Okay well I had a race with my bro in the forest as kids :lol: I stumbled on something and fell with a sharp branch piercing me 5mm from the eye :lol: That was close, was all covered in blood.. (7 stitches)

What else.. the worst things have happened within the past 3 years.. takes a little writing..

It's nice to hear what bad things has happened to people, it feels relaxing :lol:
When i was three i drove down a small hill thing with a toy tractor. I tipped over and smashed my arm on a giant rock

Went to the hospital to get it fixed, adn the fuckign arm grew like, totally wrong. looked like i had an extra joint. Ended with doctors having to break the arm in two again

Not a happy memory :rofl:
I once ran, jumped off a cliff and landed right next to an immensely deep well :lol: Was close, it still freaks me out. Daddy slapped me for being so stupid.
I was cycling down the hill, slipped over a tiny rock, landed on ice, fell and ended up 5 meters further. I had nothing but some scrathes

it happened a couple of months ago