Accident Thread

@joonas: right, but I'm thinking of Full Contact with securities at the hands, I've seen some friends wearing them when they do ju jutsu.

I suggest you first try learning something else and not go directly into a full contact style or you could be walked over.
Is it true, that most dojos train karate without full contact?

yeah. liabilities (especially here in the US).

however, I believe just like with anything, real-thing simulation is extremely important. just like when you prepare a gig for the guitar, you play with the guys the full set list beforehand, etc.

kickboxing is controlled simulation. Grappling arts (highly important, seeing as most street scuffles go to the ground) are controlled simulation (hopefully).

BTW, I just noticed you PMed me. Will get back to that in a sec, sorry :p
when i was 3 my mom let fall me out of her hands

and when i was 4 i fall down the Stairs braking my nose

Edit: and my right Knee Blocked when i Gave somebody a Knee Kick (or how that is called) in a fight
@ shredastical: tell us some accidents that have happened to you or someone else at the practises?

well, not to me personally...

i once saw an instructor being a stupid fuck, so he let some new guys who were like in their mid 30's just "wrestle." which is retarded, cause of course they had way too much testosterone going and they were too immature to not know their limits, as this was like literally day 1 for them. one guy dislocated his shoulder. if you've ever seen a dislocated joint, it's actually really really disgusting, especially knees or elbows. usually end up pointing backwards and whatnot.
Once I was hit by a car but as I got up I fell on my ass again when the broken bone came out of my leg :lol:
I rolled down the stairs in my old house 3times on the same day when i was 4
I slammed the car door on my thumb.

i did the same when i was like 14, but was a truck door and was my middle finger, and in 2 days my finger looked like in cartoons, sooo big and purple, my school mates made a lot of jokes :mad: and my mom couldnt resist and pricked it, so then we had a lot of black blood in our table later my mom picked me to urgencies and there pulled up my nail it wasnt painfull till i changed the lint next day
Hmmm... I also got myself killed a few times when i was little.. Sniffing up little stones, causing me to almost suffocate (:lol:).. Jumped in deeper water several times forgetting i couldnt swim (:lol:).. Pff, i was a little retard :p

This summer i got my wrist fucked up for a couple of weeks because i wanted to jump on someone unsuspectings' back, but i jumped to high and he noticed me just before i jumped, and he ducked, and i flew over him like superman, landed on my head and wrist :rolleyes: I rofl'd, but only because the alcohol supressed the pain :lol:
Well I got hurt many times…37 times twisted ankle, 16 times twisted wrist, I´ve never count how many times i got hurt my fingers, to be honest I don´t wanna now the exact number… then I got broken ligamentum cruciatum anterius(that´s the thing between femur and tibia)2 times concussion of the brain, a scar from nail on my shoulder and 3 bruise ribs ….<- there is nothing special about these accidents I ´ve just played basketball for almost 13 years….
Probably 3 most stupid accidents that ever happened to me happened during one night when I get drunk with my friends…
I was sitting on the parapet, drunk as a monkey, smoking a cigarette when my keys fell off my pocket and somehow I decided to jump off the window for them, my t-shirt get stuck on a handle and get torn apart, fortunately my friend´s apartement was in the ground floor so it wouldn´t be that bad if there wern´t bushes of dog roses.Well, I get stratches everywhere, but it could have been worse…
About an hour later we were playing „bottle“ and my challange was to do a handstand…well to shorten it, I smashed down my best friend and hurt my foot really badly… After that we went to our beds. I was sleeping in room with double bed and my was the upper one. I tried to climb up the ladder but after two steps I felt down on my back…
The next morning I woke up on the ground with horrible hangover and every breath I took it felt like someone was stabbing me right to my lungs.
I think someone cursed me that night…:erk:
Well I got hurt many times…37 times twisted ankle, 16 times twisted wrist, I´ve never count how many times i got hurt my fingers, to be honest I don´t wanna now the exact number… then I got broken ligamentum cruciatum anterius(that´s the thing between femur and tibia)2 times concussion of the brain, a scar from nail on my shoulder and 3 bruise ribs ….<- there is nothing special about these accidents I ´ve just played basketball for almost 13 years….
Probably 3 most stupid accidents that ever happened to me happened during one night when I get drunk with my friends…
I was sitting on the parapet, drunk as a monkey, smoking a cigarette when my keys fell off my pocket and somehow I decided to jump off the window for them, my t-shirt get stuck on a handle and get torn apart, fortunately my friend´s apartement was in the ground floor so it wouldn´t be that bad if there wern´t bushes of dog roses.Well, I get stratches everywhere, but it could have been worse…
About an hour later we were playing „bottle“ and my challange was to do a handstand…well to shorten it, I smashed down my best friend and hurt my foot really badly… After that we went to our beds. I was sleeping in room with double bed and my was the upper one. I tried to climb up the ladder but after two steps I felt down on my back…
The next morning I woke up on the ground with horrible hangover and every breath I took it felt like someone was stabbing me right to my lungs.
I think someone cursed me that night…:erk:

Lol total pwnage :notworthy:notworthy:kickass::kickass::lol::lol:
Well I got hurt many times…37 times twisted ankle, 16 times twisted wrist, I´ve never count how many times i got hurt my fingers, to be honest I don´t wanna now the exact number… then I got broken ligamentum cruciatum anterius(that´s the thing between femur and tibia)2 times concussion of the brain, a scar from nail on my shoulder and 3 bruise ribs ….<- there is nothing special about these accidents I ´ve just played basketball for almost 13 years….

yeah, basketball can do that to people :p A lot of twisted wrists and fingers and once this girl almost blinded me to one eye, and it was a friendly match..
as for other things: when I was 4, I broke my collarbone while falling out of the couch. That was like right after I burned my hand when I was feeling if the thing for ironing was really hot, as everyone told me.
When I was 10-11 I fell when going home and broke my wrist. What really pissed me off was that some girl I was walking with just looked back for a moment and kept on walking
Another time someone slammed the door of a minivan shut while my hand was still inbetween. It ended up on the part of the finger inbetween 2 bones, which made it look strangely flat for a couple of weeks..
Well I got hurt many times…37 times twisted ankle, 16 times twisted wrist, I´ve never count how many times i got hurt my fingers, to be honest I don´t wanna now the exact number… then I got broken ligamentum cruciatum anterius(that´s the thing between femur and tibia)2 times concussion of the brain, a scar from nail on my shoulder and 3 bruise ribs ….<- there is nothing special about these accidents I ´ve just played basketball for almost 13 years….
Probably 3 most stupid accidents that ever happened to me happened during one night when I get drunk with my friends…
I was sitting on the parapet, drunk as a monkey, smoking a cigarette when my keys fell off my pocket and somehow I decided to jump off the window for them, my t-shirt get stuck on a handle and get torn apart, fortunately my friend´s apartement was in the ground floor so it wouldn´t be that bad if there wern´t bushes of dog roses.Well, I get stratches everywhere, but it could have been worse…
About an hour later we were playing „bottle“ and my challange was to do a handstand…well to shorten it, I smashed down my best friend and hurt my foot really badly… After that we went to our beds. I was sleeping in room with double bed and my was the upper one. I tried to climb up the ladder but after two steps I felt down on my back…
The next morning I woke up on the ground with horrible hangover and every breath I took it felt like someone was stabbing me right to my lungs.
I think someone cursed me that night…:erk:

Fukken win