Accident Thread

hehe when I was about 8 or 9 I fell with my bike on the street. had some stitches in my chin, couldn't walk for some days cause my knees were totally broken on the outside, and some more.

when I was about 13 I accidently pushed a sissors through my finger, it went in somewhere at the back and came out through my nail :lol:
You mean 2nd and 1st dan grade?


The MA thing is interesting, because I want to start this year or january.
What style do both of you prefer mainly for self-defence? Philosophy is important too, so please no basting-only-arts. Another factor is that I'm pretty tall, so Luta Livre wouldn't be the right thing, I guess.

So far, I picked these options, what do you think of them?
Weng Chun/Weng Tsun/Veng Tsun

Heh, honestly, for practical self defense application, my kickboxing :lol:

but I had probably one of the greatest kickboxing coaches out there. of course you miss a bit of the "philosophy" bit though.

But you also need to assess what the teachers are after. Liability might steer them away from actual real-life sims. or maybe they're just out there for the money. Whereas, some arts are strictly performance. For me, Hawaiian Kenpo def had more stress on the self defense. Tae Kwon Do, for instance; Jumping in the air spinning 3 times and kicking someone on the face might look cool, but its a surefire way to get dumped on your ass in a real fight.

just like with the guitar, you have training exercises, and practical techniques. Just because you can do something isolated doesn't mean you can immediately translate it to a real life scenario, or that it would even work in real life. Fighting def takes getting used to; the adrenaline, rush of bodies, etc. and many teachers do not show the difference between training and practical. Long stances and predetermined techniques, etc. Always be ready to improv, and always realize that for instance long stances might strengthen your legs, but also aren't practical. the improv portion is why i prefer kickboxing, integrated with my previous knowledge; hard hitting with spacial awareness

Heh, honestly, for practical self defense application, my kickboxing :lol:

but I had probably one of the greatest kickboxing coaches out there. of course you miss a bit of the "philosophy" bit though.

But you also need to assess what the teachers are after. Liability might steer them away from actual real-life sims. or maybe they're just out there for the money. Whereas, some arts are strictly performance. For me, Hawaiian Kenpo def had more stress on the self defense. Tae Kwon Do, for instance; Jumping in the air spinning 3 times and kicking someone on the face might look cool, but its a surefire way to get dumped on your ass in a real fight.

just like with the guitar, you have training exercises, and practical techniques. Just because you can do something isolated doesn't mean you can immediately translate it to a real life scenario, or that it would even work in real life. Fighting def takes getting used to; the adrenaline, rush of bodies, etc. and many teachers do not show the difference between training and practical. Long stances and predetermined techniques, etc. Always be ready to improv, and always realize that for instance long stances might strengthen your legs, but also aren't practical. the improv portion is why i prefer kickboxing, integrated with my previous knowledge; hard hitting with spacial awareness
i was pretty messed up when my sister ran me over with her bike when i was 4... she also stabbed my ear once and blood came out of it and i had to go to the hospital and stuff :p. and then... i tripped when i was playing tag with her in the garden. but we have like concrete steps... and i still have a bump on my head, it never went away :lol:

almost all my accidents are related to my sister... :erk:
Tae Kwon Do, for instance; Jumping in the air spinning 3 times and kicking someone on the face might look cool, but its a surefire way to get dumped on your ass in a real fight.

Well, I can tell an example, there was this story in the newspaper that some foreign dude came to this town where I live in Finland, he was dan1 in Karate, and was attacked by a local skinhead. This is pretty much what the karateka had to say: "The person was bald and about 160cm. (Short.) He attacked me with no reason and suddenly I forgot all the skills I had learned. I was completely locked and couldn't phrase how to use karate in a real situation in practise. I was just knocked down."

Of course, whoever that was, deserves to be hugely lowered on his grade.. And sued for setting the entire reputation of the art into disrepu te and embarrasment :lol: It should never be easy to manage a black belt.. I've always said, plus to the requirements that are in paper, you should in some way demonstrate that you pretty much can kick peoples ass in reality. It isn't fucking dancing.

Problem is, in short, that the moves, techniques and skills are not always tought on practical ways, just theoretical ways.

But that's just an extreme example.

I think for example RyuShinkai is a Karate style that's not practical but only to look nice or something.

Point is, the arts are so fucking different. There are just as well styles that are sheerly meant for quick and brutal killing, no show-off..

Btw I think we had another bloke around who was black in Kenpo or something...
some days it was the meaning of my life, but I've so much things in my life these days, will have to see...

Like waiting new COB album and hanging around this board....;-)

I was in Aikido for years, that's something I call art... I learn nothing useful there, unless you consider it useful to be able to do many different kinds of ukemi for half an hour without starting feel dizzy :lol:.

But on topic: I have never been in accidents.
Pretty embarrasing..

As for the pregnancy, think about the kid.. nobody's wants to be born as accident. I always tell this.. Still some ladies won't take an abortion because they would "kill their own child" :lol:

I LOL'D at this!!! :lol: Good luck!

Thanks for the tip, laughing at my expense and good luck wish... But I feel bad now. It was a joke:erk:

But I did hit my head on the curb when I fell out of the bus!
Thanks for the tip, laughing at my expense and good luck wish... But I feel bad now. It was a joke:erk:

But I did hit my head on the curb when I fell out of the bus!

Did a homeless guy fuck you on a bus then throw you to the curb, consequently hitting your head and fatally injuring the fetus?
Is it true, that most dojos train karate without full contact?


I think the issue really should never be that you get 99% more damage by going to karate than not going, I think the main idea is still namely self-defence. It depends. There is one Shotokan -direction karate class in this town that purposely is very contactive.

My friend was in Brazilian Ju-Jutsu and did participate in an ultimate-fight once. You do have knee and knuckle security but not even soft helmets, and the idea is that you enter at own risk, absolute full contact and bone breaking is allowed. Intentional harming isn't the idea, the idea is to have a real fight and not like hey, I kicked you in the face, did anyone see? I should get points!..

I think it's better to go to a sophisticated group where people are friends and have good time training however with a professional attitude to the sport, and you feel great when the 1.5 hours is gone and you go to shover and dress up and go home or wherever. Then you have these lairs with foreign teachers who just beat people up sick-mindedly and everybody goes home pissed off and in pain and return only because they feel they need to prove themselves..