Hahaha I witnessed a fight today.

hehe..that dude seems uber mellow. All the time, lol.

Yeah, Rock was nice as hell to the employees. He just didn't dig a guy stalking him for four days. I don't blame him. I hope the guy doesn't go blabbing to press that Chris Rock is some sort of big "egocentric hollywood star" now. I mean hell, if someone was stalking me four days I'd be a bit frazzled about the whole thing too.
hmm.. I want to see Chris Rock get his ass kicked by Snoop Dogg

Mammoth said:
but over all I am the cowerdly motherfucker that runs away. Not built for it, to skinny. I'll pay some guy to get even or fuck up your car, you know crazy shit when you back is turned! :lol:

Wait, I want to see Yanko and Bobvex go at it : D
..and Fenrir would probably kick all your asses
i'm THE most peaceful guy i know, i never got in a fight (well,just once, when i was a kid :p)
so it takes a LOT to get me mad enough to want to hit someone for real... and seriously, when that happens, it's like a blank, my blood starts to get hotter and hotter and i turn into a total homicidal and sadistic fucker :lol:
the last time i got mad enough to go out and hit someone, i had to punch the walls so i wouldn't KILL anyone :p

so i broke my hand :lol:
MagSec4 said:
Wait, I want to see Yanko and Bobvex go at it : D
..and Fenrir would probably kick all your asses
hahai f me and fenrin fought. . .we would probably not hurt each other at all
Over a week ago i walking to the gym. I was across the street from this park and there were 2 homeless guys. One was in a wheelchair. The other was sleeping in a sleeping bag. Anyhow the guy in the sleeping bag is pissed and starts throwing shit. I stand there watching this hissy fit from a far. A minute goes by and the sleeping bag bum clocks the wheelchair bum in the face a couple times. The wheelchairer does nothing to retaliate. Then the guy goes back to sleep. A minute goes by and he get's back up and pushes the wheelchair over. Then he goes back to sleep. Another minute goes by. He gets up and clocks the wheelchair bum a couple more times. Then goes back to sleep. Then i left.
it takes alot to piss me off, but if someone does i go fuckin apeshit. its nuts. i threw my bike at a kid once cuz he pissed me off. just as tut said, i go blank and just go fucking mental. but i dont like to fight (seeing as i cant) so once i pull oput my boot knife, the fight becomes non existant and i can go on my merry way
Fenrir13 said:
:D If you've ever seen me in person, you'd take one look at my scrawny, pale, practically anemic frame and laugh while flicking me over. My wrists are literally like two inches across. :D

Now, get me drunk....and I'll TRY to do something!!!

Well, you should head to NY sometime.. I have some nice stuff we can down, (listen to some NORSK ARISK BLACK METAL in the mean time..)
then we head over to Brazil and kick Yanko's ass : D

Well, you should head to NY sometime.. I have some nice stuff we can down, (listen to some NORSK ARISK BLACK METAL in the mean time..)
then we head over to Brazil and kick Yanko's ass : D

Well now that sounds like it's hard to pass up. :D :metal:

As for fuck witnessing, as long as it's not family members you walk in on, it's always good for a laugh! ;) :lol:
if i saw someone in disadvantage in a fight that was started by some big guy (and the guy isn't THAT big :p ) i'd probably get into it :lol:

Probably if i saw that bum allwithin talked about, i'd go there, kick the sleeping bag one in the face, and then put the other dude back on the wheelchair :p
The_Children_of_Decadence said:
I witnessed a fuck today. ooopps :lol:

Anybody here literally see a public fucking? I have on 2 different occasions. Both in high schools parking lot a couple years back. It get's pretty steamy. And the car does start a rockin. On the latter occasion me and my friends scared the culprits away. No lovemaking on that night. We snuck into the school at like 9 pm. And outside the gym was a old honda. We made some noise and they quickly evacuated.