Me and 2 other friends got beaten up outside a pub last week


The Post Master
Jul 3, 2003
Manchester, England, UK
Last sunday me and 2 friends(x and y) went out for a drink. X and Y both wanted to go into a pub but as we walked in we were abused and called names by this gang. I don't believe that gangs of thugs should get away with bullying innocent people, so me and X stood up to them and called them "f*cking bastards" while squaring up to them. Around that time Y got kicked out of the pub for being too drunk. X and Y left the pub and were followed. X tried running away but was chased, kicked, fell to the ground and was kicked while he was on the ground. Y got punched to the ground and had his hand stamped on several times. Then I came out of the pub and saw what was happening, I walked over to where they were kicking X ready to fight but before I knew it I was punched on the top of the head followed by a q1uick punch to the jaw. I lost my balance and fell to the ground, where I immediately got up but I didn't fancy my chances against such a hard gang so I put my hands up and retired.

I have posted this incident because I want a general discussion and share similar incidents which have happened to you and tell of how you have dealt with them. I also want some advice on how to fight and how to avoid those surprise punches. Thanks.

me and my mate had a bit to drink :Saint: etc ( :Smokin: ) and we were play fightin outside a bar,coz when we get wasted we tend not to feel stuff so we fight(what do u expect from a guy whose favourite films fight club?) well neways this guys through a bottle at my head coz thats how shit goes down in northern ireland,tis rough man. so to avoid a full scale riot i got up, went over to this bottle slinging dude,told him i loved him,gave him a hug and proceeded to run round in circles short, if ppl start on u, act crazy...ppl are afraid of crazy dudes with long hair.of course this cud just get u a worse kickin.meh!! :Spin:
Dodge their attacks to the best of your ability and continually laugh at them.

Well that's my strategy anyway.
go super saiyan 5 thatd sort 'em out:grin:
dear oh dear...............

As for fighting skills Profanity.
Winding people is a good thing, that way you can hit them more while they struggle to breath
dunno what's funnier "...and two friends" being said by profanity or the fact that someone had enough of his bullshit and finally did what we all wish we could do.
Profanity said:
Last sunday me and 2 friends(x and y) went out for a drink. X and Y both wanted to go into a pub but as we walked in we were abused and called names by this gang. I don't believe that gangs of thugs should get away with bullying innocent people, so me and X stood up to them and called them "f*cking bastards" while squaring up to them. Around that time Y got kicked out of the pub for being too drunk. X and Y left the pub and were followed. X tried running away but was chased, kicked, fell to the ground and was kicked while he was on the ground. Y got punched to the ground and had his hand stamped on several times. Then I came out of the pub and saw what was happening, I walked over to where they were kicking X ready to fight but before I knew it I was punched on the top of the head followed by a q1uick punch to the jaw. I lost my balance and fell to the ground, where I immediately got up but I didn't fancy my chances against such a hard gang so I put my hands up and retired.

I have posted this incident because I want a general discussion and share similar incidents which have happened to you and tell of how you have dealt with them. I also want some advice on how to fight and how to avoid those surprise punches. Thanks.


Hey freind,sorry to hear they got the best out of you.The world is full of assholes pulling shit like that all the time !I had my first fight when i was 12-13.Now the best thing to do is avoid fights by not going to places where gangs hang or trying to lay low.If there is no other solution then dodging punches will do you no good.Try to look angry,determined and scary(doesn't matter how big you are).Do not wait for someone to come to you,get the one nearest to you and smash as much of his face as quickly as posible,the more messy it gets the better.The others will be too scared to get you back !Using "helpers" is a good idea,like the chain you hang your wallet with or a lighter in your palm in order not to brake your fingers when puncking.I would use my car key between my fingers or my thorned leather bracelet.
Be safe.sorry for the spelling but i am too bored to check it !
Nemesis_lxix said:
Do not wait for someone to come to you,get the one nearest to you and smash as much of his face as quickly as posible,the more messy it gets the better.The others will be too scared to get you back !Using "helpers" is a good idea
it doesn't always work, some times it brings chain of more violence, the best is like you said avoid it in the first place. but if you dont have any other chance just rape it apart kill it first think later
Pull out your gat next time, or knife. Say "What makes you think I won't cut ya??"
Grimes said:
Pull out your gat next time, or knife. Say "What makes you think I won't cut ya??"
friend of mine ended up in hospital that way :(
he didn't knew they had some knifs too and they weren't afraid to use it either