Your 3 Craziest Parties

Okay, I don't know exactly what three ones I should mention, but I've got something in mind.. It's gonna be pretty long so I'll go one by one..

So once I got lost in this party in a big house last year's winter. I was with a friend, invited by another, and the house was full of metal heads, mostly males. So we started drinking and throwing jokes and soon it emerged it was actually a setting for some sort of gay party, when a couple of blokes started kissing each other like a loving couple and one started sucking a dildo. A heavy metal gay party in the middle of nowhere. The guy who invited me probably had some homosexual background, but I think it was a sore spot for him as one of the guys started calling him gay. So he went totally berzerk, I had to cut in when he grabbed a huge showel attacking the guy and hitting him.. he's brown in judo so luckily he didn't do anything stupid.. just started crying and shouting back at the guy: "you fucking natzi gay!!" and started praying and later in the evening he was speaking German and grabbing my ass when I tried to sleep.. So someone played guitar, someone drums and we had fun and messed around, then the parents of the girl who's apartment it was came home from bar. The guy's like 30-something and drunk, he yells: "If someone's still not drunk he'll get out of the house!" And he's playing around and showing magic tricks to girls and his collection of dildos. Then there was this girl who fell in love with me because I could lick her an orgasm. One of her friends slit her wrists totally and was covered in blood and then the other girl licked the blood off and everything.. was crazy.
Another which is one of my favourites, was some months after that, I'm in a disco with some mates and they decide we'll go to a party. So they call a friend who's got a big house somewhere and his parents are not home. He comes to grab us with a car, three guys in front and three at the back plus two chicks. So we listen to music and party and drink, the usual, then we start a bottle spinning game with the girls.. Then we go to sauna, and after that I go to the basement of the house in secret with one of my friends and we go to the bar closet, drinking lotsa booze. After almost an hour we realize one of our pals is missing. We both realize he's still in the sauna. We just laugh but then we go to him and he's passed out in the sauna, there's foam coming outta his throat and everything. So I drag him into cold shower. Then we forget him there for some further hours. :D Okay so we're all very much drunk, and I promised I'd get to bed with one of the girls and that sorta happened. I started climing the stairs to a bedroom and then I pass out. When I wake up, I find myself naked in an X-position laying in a bed with one of the girls sleeping next to me. Someone comes in and shouts: "hurry up, the train's gonna leave!" And I'm like where the fuck am I, where are my clothes! It's not a nice feeling.. I'd left my clothes at the sauna.. then I get home and puke the rest of the day.
Okay and one time I wake up from my bed, I raise my head and my neck hurts, I'm like wtf. Then I feel with my tongue that everything's not right with my teeth. Then I remember one sight from last evening and remember what happened and am like no fucking shit.. What happened was that I'd seen a friend last evening, we'd gone my bro's place, drinking shots of booze already on the way. By the time we arrived we were pretty wasted and we jumped on his bed and had a play fight and all that.. then we left and figured there's a party next door. We went in and I was pretty much smashed. We got thrown out pretty much. Then we head downtown, and here's where I lose my memory. We had gone to a hallway to pass through as we were heading to some bar, I'm totally wasted and start talking about my ex. Then I grab this cage on wheels and start kicking for speed and tell my friend to give me some more speed. He does and I'm doing like 50km/h and he shouts "watch out!" and I look forward and there's a huge stairway. I manage to throw the cage away but it doesn't slow my speed, I just run and am like "shit, stairs", and fall, flying the 2,5m stairs down landing directly on my forehead to bare rock. My friend thought I was dead. And damn it hurt. Luckily I hit with the hardest bone in human body first, had I come down in any other angle I'd be dead or paralyzed neck down or just severely injured. Then there was the security guys, bar doormen, outsiders, and soon the police and an ambulance. I threw up. My pal said I was protecting my booze bottle and miraculously it didn't break in my grip. And the doctors didn't understand why my nose wasn't broken. I looked like I'd been hit with a sledge hammer. Then, I went to hit some girls before I got driven home. Cool. Also I damaged my leg and couldn't do shit for 9 months so there was quite a break in my practises. I've decided the X-rays from my broken shoulder from last autumn were the last ones. Alexi's not the only one these things happen to..
So once I got lost in this party in a big house last year's winter. I was with a friend, invited by another, and the house was full of metal heads, mostly males. So we started drinking and throwing jokes and soon it emerged it was actually a setting for some sort of gay party, when a couple of blokes started kissing each other like a loving couple and one started sucking a dildo.

i was just going to say something among the lines of "too long, no one will read this shit" :lol:

but then i decided to give a chance to it :lol: and it was the bigest lol ever :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

this was actually what he wrote :lol: no some lame heartless edits kinda posts
My craziest party was a couple of years ago when it was the first real "open house" I had been too, I took a carton of burbon so I don't remember much. I do remember some of the guys and me walking this long as road to smash up some abandoned car in the forest only to be chased by cops where I fell down a 2 metre ditch almost being impaled by a tree. Then we went back to the party. Wow, that's not exciting at all.
Two weeks of May Day celebrations... Terrible hangovers and memory losses.. "School trips"..

Yeah there is lot of great parties in the university. Those "school trips" were legendary, buss driving around Finland full of drunken students. I have so many great memories from those ones and some memory losses too....And I still don't get how I managed to first party two weeks before May Day and after that actually read to the finals and get good grades.

Do you still have those formal social club anniversary parties where everyone dress up, eat fancy food and are drink way too much and sing all the time even they can't hold a note? Those were always great ones...
The best parties I've been to have maybe been some normal nights in the summer cottage with few of my friends. Just barbeque, sauna, swimming, some stupid party games and basic stuff like that. Festivals, gigs and some weddings have been fun too.

(Warning: rant follows)
Personally I don't like drinking that much, so parties are usually a torment for me. Especially in this damn country, where people are so unsociable, that they lack the courage to open their mouth in the company of other people unless they're not completely wasted already. I'm tired of witnessing people, who I thought to be ok, descend into rambling, annoying drunken douchenozzles in couple of hours. Seriously, I wish I could enjoy partying, but it seems to be half-impossible here at the moment :(

Here's a typical finnish native male caught having fun ;)

One of the craziest was when we went to a friend's house, got really drunk and stole firecrackers from one of my stalkers.

We drove off to West Chester with them and let them off, leaving Rob(the stalker) absolutely furious.

It was hilarious.
The wildest "party" (it was just a bar) I went to ended up with me eating a brownie with some secret ingredient (ecstasy, maybe?), getting drunk out of my mind and fainting on the sidewalk and landing on my elbow.

Then we end up at a restaurant and my friend wants to leave (with me) without paying our share (I was too fucked up to know what was going on) and this HUGE FAT chick threatens to kick our little assess. I pay for our share and the following day I realize I am missing 30 dollars. Most expensive scrambled eggs ever.