

Feb 7, 2003
Long the end, we (my brother and I, my brother driving) hit a man on a bike who went through a stop sign. He broke my aunt's car's windshield, and in turn, we broke his shoulder. My brother was supposed to use this car starting tomorrow to drive to college, but they towed it. This shit happened at a really bad fucking time...
Whoa, that doesn't sound too good. I'm always paranoid about bike riders, as some of them act like they own the road and have little regard for safety.

I'm sorry that happened to you and your brother. Not sure what else to say...
pretty fucked up situation. when you hit someone they hardly pay attention to the victim's behaviour prior to the injury and automatically blame it all on the driver. i'm currently using my bike more often than my car, still i feel that any car who ran me over would have plenty of reasons.

i hope you get your car back soon.
Is this the first time I see Rahvin use the 'F' word? :)

BTW, I hope things work out for you.
:/ It couldve been me
I think I am about to change an habit of a lifetime:
I always drive on bicycle like.. I have my eyes closed. :erk:

So many accidents happen every year..
Not sure what to say
Like EdgeCrusher said, noone's having respect for anyone else. Its always the rest that drives wrong, isnt it?
This a jungle out there baby, watch out :(
I'm sorry for you and your brother :(
Sorry for you and your brother and your car and the bicycle guy. :erk:
I tend to pay extra attention to the bicycle people because they're so few, no more than 2-3 a year. But what happens to you people with bicycles happens here with motorcycles and they make me angry.
Once i tried to pass a bus after turning on my flash light and there was this girl with the motorcycle coming out of nowhere, trying to pass me and falling down on her own without even touching my car. Then i parked my car and ran to her to see if she's ok and she started yelling at me.. And she wasn't even wearing a helmet (and i doubt if she had driving license). I was damn lucky that day.
I hear you, the most thing I'm scared about when driving is running over a biker or a pedestrian, and about noone having respect for anyone else, I bet you'd all piss on yourselves if you drove in Mexico city, you wussy europeans :p
@Thanatos: Everyone knows greek roads are teh worst in europe, and esp in my city everyone drives like crazy, even those who don't drive, so take back your words. :p
No way, try downtown new york city, where a cab driver could easily be the end of you..
And there's Queens Boulevard, one of the most dangerous roads in the world (by statistics of fatalities)

And don't ask me to take it back Siren, 'cause all you'll get is a tongue on top of that
>: P
What Magsec said.

But sorry to hear that Dodens. They really should obey the road signs.

On a side note... My dad is a bicycling nut. Like no one rides bikes back at my home as a means of transportation, only excersize. But he rides his bike to campus at least 3 times a week through windy (not as in blowing winds) roads that aren't meant for bikes. He always has problems with cars though. The worst is when people honk right when they are about to pass you though. It scares the shit out of me when that happens, and come close to riding off the road everytime. It's like ok ASS I can hear you without your damn foghorns.

... no clue why I talked about that.
Damn, that's freaky. Hope everything's gonna work out.

@Siren: About Greek roads being the worst in Europe, I heard Italy was, actually. When some schoolmates went on a Europe trip, out of all the countries, Italy was the only one where they almost got hit by vehicles...multiple times. :)
Incendiare said:
@Siren: About Greek roads being the worst in Europe, I heard Italy was, actually. When some schoolmates went on a Europe trip, out of all the countries, Italy was the only one where they almost got hit by vehicles...multiple times. :)
In cities, maybe. But most of our *national* "highways" are worse than... than... the road i have outside my house. And i mean that on the technical side, the way the roads are old and narrow and badly maintained (the surface is so bad they say it's like "broken glass"). And then there are the trucks. God save you from them. If i'm not mistaken, we are one of the top countries as far as car accident fatalities are concerned.
although im still a learner driver too, i fucking despise a lot of other learners. for instance, tonight i was driving around my suburb and out of a side street another learner decided to not stop and fly around the bend and almost hit us. how these people passed the written tests is what i want to know :yell: