AcmeBarGig MEAT HEAD Released Here


May 11, 2009

Okay, so today it’s Meat Head's turn to blow your mind!

Our second release of Preampus Week introduces a brand new character for you guys to acquaint yourselves with. Meat Head is in-keeping with the philosophy of all our Classic Hybrid amps, inspired by the amplifier power-houses that defined the tones of Classic Rock and Heavy Metal from the '60's to now, a Modern Classic that's just FULL of, you guessed it, character!

Just plug in to Meat Head and we guarantee you will be blown away with the amount of depth and versatility provided by it, through the extensive research and tireless coding that has been put into this line, we are proud to be able to present you with a line of amps that mixes and matches sections inspired by the definitive and revolutionary amps that defined Popular Music.

Meat Head harbours some awe-inspiring power, from that first crunchy Powerchord to searing leads drenched in sweet sustain. However, never does it lose the dynamic response and sweetness that seems to drip off every note. Roll the gain back for some fantastic overdriven British-style Blues and Classic Rock tones, roll your guitar volume back a little more and you're into that sweet, often-sought-after 'just breaking up' tube tone – all while retaining 100% of its distinct tonal characteristics.

So let's carry on the celebration, get Meat Head downloaded and running and kick back and enjoy the festivities of Preampus Week! If you haven't already got Dick Head, then go get that too and be sure to check back tomorrow for another addition to a lineup that we're SURE will be infamous in no time!

Get Meat Head Here

Bear in mind the Preampus Line amps are HEAD ONLY, you will NEED to use some external cabinet modeling, we highly recommend LePou's LeCab, which you can grab here:
Thanks for ALL your efforts with these releases! DickHead sounded great for hard rock and 80's rock/metal stuff that I do. Now I can't wait to try MeatHead! It's like being a kid at Christmas around here. :D
how does this work? i have a shitty sound like 10 watt amp fender amp.... can someone explain how to make it sound good like john please? thnkss ive downloaded both, lepou and preampus!
Hello felipe-x,

I recorded the guitar twice,panned them left and right.
Left i used the dickheadpreamp,and right de meatpreamp.
use under the preamp a impulseloader like the one from lepou that i used.(and experiment with impulses)
I hope i explained this right(sorry for my bad english i am from holland)
HAahah o okay,i played some more now with meathead and wow it screams in solos.
And the treblemaster is a great addition.
Many thanks for all your hard work guys,now i gonne sell my podx3 i think lol.
I never used it again since the plugins from lepou and acmebargig.
This is the skinner guys!!

You did a fantastic job man.. I was wondering when you were gonna come around so I could congratulate you on your amazing work dude...ABG is so happy to have you on board man!!!
Great work Gustavo!!
Yeah knuckle head is my favorite of all these plugs. All the classic sounds if you want them,. but a serious angry tone as well...I just was playing with it again and came across yet another cool sound....BASS AT 60% Treble off, MID Full. Power gain Full, DRIVE full, and Treble master full, base Frequency set to about 198k. This sound is the sound I have been trying to get out of a sim for ever. It is an extremely clean sound for rapid picked palm muting like as in Hit The lights by Mettalica, that type of playing.

We have got to get a presets thread going other than just the one at the ABG forums...

No I think the Metal ones like Razor Head and stuff is all Requietus' work
but I could be wrong, I think req has one coming for the Classic line too and you have the new Catharsis right?