Acoustic guitars (live) How?????

First of all which song could they not play as every song has acoustic parts, am I right? :p
But anyway.... they turn their electric guitars to sound clean. It sounds great don't worry!! ... probably easier than switching around guitars. They don't bring any acoustic guitars on the road.
Good point. I should've been more specific, I was talking about songs like Credence, Benighted, and of course my favorite song at the moment HARVEST.

While I'm thinking about it, Why in the fuck is Opeth "OPENING" for Nevermore on this tour. A band of this caliber coming overseas to the U.S. should be headlining goddamit!!!!
Originally posted by forlorn soul
The clean guitars sound only "OK" live. I DEFINITELY hope Opeth someday can play actual acoustic guitars live during the appropriate parts. Clean guitars don't have the same tone and feeling, not even close..

Yep, I totally agree. It's understandable that they can't switch between acoustic guitars and electric in the middle of a song. The clean sound on an electric guitar is, as you said, OK.
it can be done, but its a pain in the ass. you can hook up a thing to the mic stand that holds an acoustic guitar. that wouldn't work for opeth most of the time because their switchs are too instant. it would be a pain for the soundguy too. the electrics sound fine live. not the same tone, but its live. so who cares.
I've always wondered if they should check out some electric guitars that have a piezo pickup in the bridge which is supposed to give an acoustic tone from an electric guitar. I've checked out a few of these guitars and although they don't sound as good as a real acoustic, they do sound pretty good. Some manufacturers of these kind of guitars are Parker, Godin, and Carvin.
they pulled off the clean guitars pretty damn good at the show. the drapery falls sounded so fucking good. their engineer did a really good job but then again how could opeth sound bad they are the shit