Acoustic/Piano/Soft Whatever music


May 15, 2010
So I'm looking for some new music (preferably Christian) that's well...soft. Anything ranging from the ambient stuff like on Demon Hunter's 45 days to Theocracy's Bethlehem. The softer the better; I'm looking for relaxing music that isn't too intense (it can still be technical, advanced and musically talented though.) I'm coming to you guys first because I know you guys tend to not like harsh vocals so are probably more prone to knowing softer bands and such. Go!

(Also, preferably entire bands that do the said genre and not just 1 or 2 songs)
Audrey Assad. I recommend her new album, Heart. She's Christian, her music is very soft and soothing, she has a gorgeous voice, and the songwriting is good. She also seems like a very cool person in general.

Here's the single of Heart, Sparrow. Lyrically, it's not one of her more interesting works, but it's a really beautiful song and it will give you a pretty good feel for her sound.

And here's a link to her website:
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Not bad so far (haven't listened to em all.) Anyone have any other suggestions? Praise and worship stuff is good but there's enough of that already. Other than that, mewithoutYou was pretty interesting.
Yeah I've heard Mutemath. Honestly, I'm looking for softer. Like, 1 instrument and 1 singer soft.
The EP of 2004's Punisher's Thomas Jane and Tim Bradstreet.
This might be a good time to post something about my band.....

Here are some songs I recorded with my friend under the name 'Breaking Shadow'. You will probably like 'Watched' the most.

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Soft but technical: Phil Keaggy's instrumental album "Beyond nature":

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If you want to relax and dream away and you do like orchestral (soundtrack) music there are two instrumental albums I would strongly recommend - both by Michael W. Smith: "Glory" and especially "Freedom"!

This is a concert where he plays three songs from these albums - at 22:10 Freedom, at 6:20 Glory Overture and 35:44 Whitaker's Wonder.
The studio albums sound better though...

Thank you for the responses, I have yet to listen to it all but I will get on that.
You might also like The Head And The Heart.
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Maybe a bit off-tpoic, but I just wanted to say that I get very very nervous of this easy music. The much heavier stuff calms me down. I had to stop most of the posted music before I would freak out.

Well, here's a reasonable attempt, I guess:
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