Acoustic suggestions


Jan 8, 2010
Glendale AZ
I am starting my own acoustic project and was looking for some other bands to start listening too. I like stuff Like Jeff Buckley, Red House Painters, Counting Crows etc.(Yes I know not all their songs are acoustic) But I was looking for song new bands and was wondering is anyone had some suggestions.
^ke$ha, awesome, i cant get that shit outta my head either

this whole album is amazing! i'm always surprised when something great comes out of canada :lol:

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Lunatic Soul if you haven't already. Solo project of Riverside vocalist/bassist/mastermind Mariusz Duda
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^yeah ill second that

micheal hedges is really well regarded as well

OH, and JESSE COOKE, i saw him play live a few years back and that man is a god with an acoustic guitar
Yea...I saw Michael Hedges around 1990...great show!

The Notwist
Sun kil moon
Damien Jurado
Gary Jules

I like alot of this type of stuff...I go through phases with it.
I wouldnt say all this is the "acoustic" type of stuff your looking for or that its even acoustic to begin with...but I dig it.
Jules and Jurado are story tellers of sorts. I dig that.

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Only one album, but I wanted to suggest The Acoustic Verses by Green Carnation. One of the most beautiful albums I've ever heard, incredibly atmospheric.

I think it'll work as representation, my favourite from the album...
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Another kind of obvious one is Anathema's Hindsight album. many people call it an acoustic album, i dont, but many do and it good

even though my favorite Anathema acoustic peice by far isn't on it.

and bluesky, you just lost respect points from me for posting Bright Eyes :Puke::Puke::Puke:
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I was going to say Lunatic Soul, but I see that was already mentioned.

Maybe Barzin? Pinback? Pinback's Summer in Abaddon album is great. Maybe not true unamped acoustic, but it's certainly not distorted in any way.