
Yeah, I know it can be boring waiting for news for such a long time. We all apologize for this. We're going to give you the album title, track listing, when we're going into the studio, when the album should see the light of day, some member news and some other info all at once.. so it'll be a huge update all at once.. should happen any day now..
It's sad that such a great band has so many problems. You're not even in the studio yet? That's bad...
hey come on now requiem. give them a break its all in the name of great metal. i am sure that if you were in the band you would want every album to be its best. its worth waiting, because we all know that when the wait is over there will be great metal a plenty
requiem said:
It's sad that such a great band has so many problems. You're not even in the studio yet? That's bad...

You may be surprised as to what has been developing when we can finally announce the news.

Thanks for your supporting and remembering we exist.. but things are in better shape than you may have guessed. Let's just say things are rolling..

Update with every little detail as soon as humanly possible, and obviously when we can announce everything hasn't been in our control, or else we would have done so by now.. it won't be much longer. Seriously. No, seriously.
jesse said:
You may be surprised as to what has been developing when we can finally announce the news.

Thanks for your supporting and remembering we exist.. but things are in better shape than you may have guessed. Let's just say things are rolling..

Update with every little detail as soon as humanly possible, and obviously when we can announce everything hasn't been in our control, or else we would have done so by now.. it won't be much longer. Seriously. No, seriously.


I can't wait to hear some new stuff. The demo (teaser) you posted on the website a few months ago is bad ass!! It'll be great to hear more...