Adagio - Awesome Band

Mr. Shred-ididle said:
Oooops, i listend to it and realised that i thought it was another song. I like that song. I was thinking of the title track. Damn latin names, gets you mixed up!

And you don't like 7LoS!!! Oh My God! That's the best song on the album for me, by FAAAAAARRRRRR then the Stringless Violin then second sight.

I like it a lot better now than I did when I first got the album, but I dunno...theres a distinct lack of melody in that tune which, despite the cool playing, kinda brings the track down for me.
Listening to the whole sanctus album.. i was hearing all the bits they composed from each song to form one song for the sample on the website for the album. and god they did a good job. i never realised it wasnt one of the songs till hearing the entire album and being able to pick out the different parts throughout. That gets me to thinking on how one could indeed take out different parts of any song and rearrange them .. *raises eyebrow*