The Metal Chick said:
Yes of course. But do those here that have said they don't like it feel that way because they think it sucks? Or because it's not another Underworld?

Honestly, I think TMC is on to something here. My previous post sounded like I hated the album, which IS NOT TRUE. I like it, but it was kind of disappointing hearing it the first time. Another album that comes to mind is Ghost Reveries. I had higher expectations for both of these albums, and was kinda let down the first few times I heard them, but they have both grown on me since the initial listening. Good observation Metal Chick!
Yngvai X said:
The music is nothing like They Odyssey. Its much more powermetal sounding than The Odyssey is.

Yeah, you are right, but i didn't say the music is like Odssey, i meant the "production". It is like we have a comunication problem. Must be me, cause this is not my native language :)
The Odyssey was way much better produced than this. Drums sound quite similar, unfortunately..
In general, I found the album quite enjoyable. Well, it's obvious they changed the direction a little bit, but if you still love prog-*power*, this is worth trying.
New singer's surprisingly good, by the way... I was expecting another Matos-esque shit, especially after hearing some of his previous bands.
I disagree with you guys who think that the "atmosphere" of Underworld is gone, especially Children, R'Lyeh and Darkitecht (Codfert did a great job, once again)...

I am still waiting for my copy from cd inzane because the store was closed over the holidays and nothing that came out during that time is shipped until the 2nd of January. So I prob won't have my hands on it until Friday....
Lord_Tarod said:
wtf? I guess you hear him lotta times singing "the old ones", huh? Yeah, maybe in the shower... Geez, I think he deserves another opportunity apart from PP.
i have two live adagio videos,in one of them he sound terrible and in the other one he is ok,i havent even seen the PP DVD.His vocal style is not for adagio(not powerful enough),he cant sing songs like "from my sleep...",and "second sight",and "chosen "sounds like a joke when he is sining it ,but he sounds ok on songs like "seven lands of sin" because its slow.And why the fuck would stephan growl on the songs,i guess because Gus alone sounds really dull.I really cant imagine Adagio releasing cd's with this guy in the future,he so far ruined the band.I guess no more Adagio for me I'll stick to their good old cds.:ill:
control-denied777 said:
i have two live adagio videos,in one of them he sound terrible and in the other one he is ok,i havent even seen the PP DVD.His vocal style is not for adagio(not powerful enough),he cant sing songs like "from my sleep...",and "second sight",and "chosen "sounds like a joke when he is sining it ,but he sounds ok on songs like "seven lands of sin" because its slow.And why the fuck would stephan growl on the songs,i guess because Gus alone sounds really dull.I really cant imagine Adagio releasing cd's with this guy in the future,he so far ruined the band.I guess no more Adagio for me I'll stick to their good old cds.:ill:

Wow that's harsh, man. I don't know if maybe I'm the only one who thought he was great at PP, but...I think he was great at PP :) Anyway, I guess this album just isn't for everyone. The more and more I listen to it, the more it owns me.
Argh! Still haven't gotten it in the mail yet. If it doesn't come tomorrow it has to come Saturday, if not by Saturday then I am going to cry. I am not expecting too much out of this release because I know the style will change from Underworld. Even though the style was different on Sanctus Ignis as well I know Dominate will be different mainly because of a new singer who's style is a lot different that David's style. Also, Underworld was written by Stephan Forte during a very dark, sad, tragic, and confused time in his life and he even said that those emotions really reflected on Underworld. I never expected another Underworld in the first place. Even though Underworld was my favorite album of 2004 I wouldn't want another album that sounded like Underworld anyway.
I dunno what the big deal about the new singer is. He freaking rules, his style of voice goes great with the songs on the album. It's more of a shame that they lost the old drummer than the singer in my opinion.