AdamWathan's Reaper Customizations for Pro Tools Users

Which click sound in PT do you use specifically? There's a ton of different preset click sounds in the Click plugin and even more in TL Metro!

I haven't actually hooked up my Profire 2626 in like a week but next time I set up in the studio I'll bounce out whatever you'd like. There's another testament to Reaper, I can do all my editing from bed using onboard sound no problem, which is why I haven't stepped foot in the studio in days :lol:

Yeah, in PT I always used the Click plugin. Haven't been near PT in ages (I never upgraded to v8) and I really don't fancy installing it again...
I'll have a look on YouTube for some studio video which has the click playing in the control room and get back to you. Cheers!

EDIT: I knew Joey had alot of studio vids on his YouTube page - this click would suit me perfectly.

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Yeah, in PT I always used the Click plugin. Haven't been near PT in ages (I never upgraded to v8) and I really don't fancy installing it again...
I'll have a look on YouTube for some studio video which has the click playing in the control room and get back to you. Cheers!

EDIT: I knew Joey had alot of studio vids on his YouTube page - this click would suit me perfectly.

thats the stock cubase click
Is it possible to have 2 reaper installs with the authentification working on both ? So that I can have a regular Reaper install as well as your customized PT version ?

EDIT : well I guess it should work because Reaper installs are quite simple, but I just wanted your knowledge to be sure there will be absolutely no issue, especially regarding the projects made with either of the "versions"
Is it possible to have 2 reaper installs with the authentification working on both ? So that I can have a regular Reaper install as well as your customized PT version ?

EDIT : well I guess it should work because Reaper installs are quite simple, but I just wanted your knowledge to be sure there will be absolutely no issue, especially regarding the projects made with either of the "versions"

I'd install Reaper and under Start Menu -> All Programs -> REAPER run "Install REAPER to USB key or Removable Media.bat" to install it to a USB key, or even just a folder on your desktop or something, so you can have two separate configs.
I'd install Reaper and under Start Menu -> All Programs -> REAPER run "Install REAPER to USB key or Removable Media.bat" to install it to a USB key, or even just a folder on your desktop or something, so you can have two separate configs.

Is there a difference with installing 2 times Reaper in 2 different folders ?
If anyone is interested, I pitched the way that I want to do comping in REAPER over at it's forums as a feature request, and a user named gofer actually came up with a way of doing it currently, although it is not perfect. To make a long story short, if you create a custom shortcut, you can have a track with a bunch of takes on it and have a track above it, and then you can select an area and a take and copy it to the above track. The issue is that you must select which take you want each time, even if it is the take that is already selected, or it will not copy correctly. You also cannot do this during playback.

Heres the macro that i have bound to CTRL+ALT+Up Arrow

- Go to start of time selection
- Take: Crop active take in items
- Item: Copy selected area of selected items
- Edit: Undo
- Track: Go to previous track
- Item: Paste items/tracks
- Xenakios/SWS: Select next track(s)

Heres a video of why this is handy:

Heres a video of why it is annoying:
Btw, is there any way for Reaper to start with the mixer window maximised on the second display (I run dual displays as most of you folk). It's kinda starting to bug me that i have to doubleclick the stupid mixer window every time I fire up reaper.
Btw, is there any way for Reaper to start with the mixer window maximised on the second display (I run dual displays as most of you folk). It's kinda starting to bug me that i have to doubleclick the stupid mixer window every time I fire up reaper.

You have to resize it manually to get it to stay that size every time you boot.

In that second video you are just drawing a time selection on a random empty track, you aren't even selecting the item you want to copy. Of course it's not going to copy that item when you don't even select it? How is REAPER supposed to know that when you make a time selection in an empty track, you also want to select a totally unrelated item that isn't already selected? :erk:

Just use right click time selection marquee tool and you can draw the time selection and select the item at the same time. It won't select the take, you have to do that manually, but it's still closer.

Check out my take comping video, it basically does the same thing as yours except using separate tracks for each take instead.
In that second video you are just drawing a time selection on a random empty track, you aren't even selecting the item you want to copy. Of course it's not going to copy that item when you don't even select it? How is REAPER supposed to know that when you make a time selection in an empty track, you also want to select a totally unrelated item that isn't already selected? :erk:

Just use right click time selection marquee tool and you can draw the time selection and select the item at the same time. It won't select the take, you have to do that manually, but it's still closer.

Check out my take comping video, it basically does the same thing as yours except using separate tracks for each take instead.

DOH! I don't know what I was thinking about the area selection dealio. I did check out your comping video and it is a very good method, I just don't like the clutter of having all of those tracks. What I did was I added Select next track(s) to the end of the copying function that Gofer from the reaper forums came up with, so now I can marquee my selection and not have to select the same take if I want another part from it. Behold.

Sorry for hijacking your thread btw, you just got me motivated to get REAPER customized to work for me better :Smokin:
Btw, is there any way for Reaper to start with the mixer window maximised on the second display (I run dual displays as most of you folk). It's kinda starting to bug me that i have to doubleclick the stupid mixer window every time I fire up reaper.

I personnalised the way I want reaper to look :
Left Screen : main window with only the tracks (and the dock when it's used)
Right Screen : on top, Navigation window and under, the mixer taking most of the right screen. So it's not technically maximised, but it's as if it was.

View > Screen Sets under window tab.

save it as the first one.

You can create your other sets with their key command. I personnally made :
- F7 recording set (with no mixer and the main window sized to fit the 2 screens)*
- F8 hybrid set with the above explanation (left is the main window, right is the mixer)
- F9 mixing set with the mixer being more important, and CPU usage shown.

Hope I helped you, or maybe I missed a point ?
Updated the first post with a new easy install for OSX, just unzip the folder and open which is inside of it.

If someone is willing to work with me for 10 minutes to build a portable custom install for Windows, PM me! It'll take 2 seconds really, just need to match my preferences, install to a "portable drive" (in this case a new folder on your hard drive) and then zip that new folder.
Updated the first post with a new easy install for OSX, just unzip the folder and open which is inside of it.

If someone is willing to work with me for 10 minutes to build a portable custom install for Windows, PM me! It'll take 2 seconds really, just need to match my preferences, install to a "portable drive" (in this case a new folder on your hard drive) and then zip that new folder.

I can help you with that.

By the way, do you know if there´s any way to lock the horizontal movement of items when draging them vertically through tracks? I mean, I want to drag an item from one track to another but without changing the time (horizontal position) no matter how messy I´m with the mouse movement. If I remember correctly, on Cubase it was just hold shift while draggin the item. I coldn´t find this feature in Reaper.

Also, is there any quick way of merging MIDI items? I mean, if I have one midi track with only the drums, and another with only the cymbals, is there any quick way of merging them together on a single item with both, drums and cymbals?

I can help you with that.

By the way, do you know if there´s any way to lock the horizontal movement of items when draging them vertically through tracks? I mean, I want to drag an item from one track to another but without changing the time (horizontal position) no matter how messy I´m with the mouse movement. If I remember correctly, on Cubase it was just hold shift while draggin the item. I coldn´t find this feature in Reaper.

Reaper constrains it vertically by default unless you get really wild with horizontal movement. So if you try to drag an item vertically to a new track, you don't have to worry about it moving horizontally unless you really TRY to move it horizontally. Reaper automatically locks it vertically unless you start going outside of it's little horizontal buffer. It doesn't really feel like it's locked when you're moving it but it is!

Also, is there any quick way of merging MIDI items? I mean, if I have one midi track with only the drums, and another with only the cymbals, is there any quick way of merging them together on a single item with both, drums and cymbals?


If they are on separate tracks you can select both, right click>item processing> Implode selected items across tracks into items on one track and that will put them on top of each other in the same track, then you can just glue them by right click>glue items.