AdamWathan's Reaper Customizations for Pro Tools Users

Thanks a lot for your effort!!! I checked the "Pro Tools" version for very little time and seems to be great! Just a question..

Does the midi work ok? I tried to open-insert a midi drum file, but had errors. I don't know if it was my fault and I have to do it with another way...
I finally got around to rendering the Pro-Tools default click (my fav) to add an extra PT spice to Reaper! :)
There's just two samples, so right-click on the metronome icon and set the first beat sample to sample 1, set the subsequent beat to sample 2 and enable the metronome. Adjust the volume and gain sliders to taste. If you're happy with it, I'd recommend saving over the Default project template. Default

I finally got around to rendering the Pro-Tools default click (my fav) to add an extra PT spice to Reaper! :)
There's just two samples, so right-click on the metronome icon and set the first beat sample to sample 1, set the subsequent beat to sample 2 and enable the metronome. Adjust the volume and gain sliders to taste. If you're happy with it, I'd recommend saving over the Default project template. Default


thanks a lot , dude!!:kickass:
Adam, I have the problem with any midi file.. I guess I'm doing something wrong. With the default Reaper I used to drag n' drop the file and everything would be fine. I tried that within the Pro Tools version but nothing. I also tried to do it by the "Insert Midi" but nothing too.. I'm pretty sure it will be something really really simple,so you don't need to create a video, Just post a simple text if that's easy for you. Thanks again for doing that!!!

Also,what do you think guys of the 64-bit Reaper? Is everything ok? Does the bridge function works ok? Do you create 2 different Vst Plugins folders in both 32bit and 64bit Program files and have Reaper manage them both or copy all the dll files in the 64-bit Plugin folder? Is there a way to try the 64-bit Reaper in my pc that already has the 32-bit version or that would be illegal and cause any problems?
Thank you very much for everything Adam. I switched today to your workflow and it is great. The only things I´ve changed back were the mouse middle click (to scrub instead of hand tool) and mousewheel (to zoom instead of scroll). Amazing video tutorials too, cant´thank you enough. Keep the good work :notworthy
Is there any easy way to reverse the default monitoring mode to "OFF" instead of "AUTO" on new tracks?
I´ve searched for this all over the menus, actions and help and couldn´t find where you tweaked it, so I suppose it´s some kind of advanced coding.
Sorry to bother but I can´t find the answer to 2 questions.

1) Is there any easy way to reverse the default monitoring mode to "OFF" instead of "AUTO" on new tracks (see pic below)?


You can change that here, by clicking the box next to "Record Config:" to set the default recording configuration for new track.


2) Is there any easy way to reverse to the default behaviour of reseting the "playback bar" to the "time selection bar" (see pic above) position after I move it by scrubing. I mean, the way it is, the "playback bar" keeps going straight foward until I stop it. If I want to playback from the "time selection bar" I have to stop and play again everytime I change its position. Not sure if this is a good explanation, but I would like to press play once and just keep scrubing the cursor to different parts of the project to hear them without ever needing to stop and press play again.

I´ve searched for these two things all over the menus, actions and help and couldn´t find where you tweaked them, so I suppose it´s some kind of advanced coding.

This one I believe is here, where the "Seek playback when clicked" checkboxes are.

Thank you very much on the monitoring mode solution. Very tricky box, when I saw it I thought it was just a input selection pulldown menu and didn´t cared clicking on it. As it´s a "hidden menu" it doesn´t show up on the search function of the preferences window.

ps: I actually found the "seek" thing just after I posted, that´s why my original post is different from the one you replied.
ps2: That Ctrl+E shortcut (SWS) to "maximize" the selection is something that I always wanted. Can´t thank you enough. You´re the man.

Added to first post!

@Teddyboy, can you maybe post a list of questions you have about MIDI in REAPER or a list of things you specifically need to accomplish? I like to make the tutorial videos more about specific tasks than a general overview, I would definitely miss a lot of info if I was to try and make a MIDI overview video since it's foreign to me (aside from a bit of drum programming once in a while). I am more than happy to make videos about specific MIDI questions though! I know the "Reaper Way" like the back of my hand so even if there's something I've never personally done before, I can probably figure it out pretty quick...