Adding Reverb To Drums

Feb 1, 2009
Hey all, First Post on here and i just like to say thankyou to everyone on here as almost every post on here is full of crucial information.

Anyway so i need a lil bit of help on drum reverb. what i need help with is the positioning if u know what i mean? such as which drums should be more upfront than others. The main thing i am struggleing on is the kick drum reverb, trying to get it sound nice so it fits but so it doesnt kind of clot up together on faster bits.

thanks :)
If you're doing drummer perspective, then apply reverb as if you were sitting behind the kit - toms would have a fair bit, floor tom not so much, etc.

Kick usually doesnt get reverb applied to it in metal. The room/overheads keep it sounding fairly natural.
Thanks. so no reverb on kick or very little and floor tom useally has less than the rack toms. with the cymbals should they sit further back than the rest?

So far iv got the idea that it should be generally in this order (1 be dryer and so on) :

1. Kick
2. Floor Toms
3. Snare
4. Rack Toms
5. Oh

is this about rite?
Are you putting reverb on the overheads? There should already be room ambiance in the overheads and it shouldn't need any reverb.
Are you putting reverb on the overheads? There should already be room ambiance in the overheads and it shouldn't need any reverb.

Unless recording in small, dead room. But even then, I'll find a nice IR of drum room or wooden room and make artificial "room mics". But I'll never send the overheads through the same reverb as the snare and toms.