ADVENT cover

Hmm, not bad. Except for the drumming. Very good sound. But I guess covering an Opeth song isn't done in one evening.
Kevinmetal said:
Cool! It sounds great, cool that you made the song in a different style.
The only dissapointment was the really heavy part later in the song that you didn't record. One of Opeth's best in my opinion. The part after he screams: Time grows short..

Maybe you can do that part later :). Great cover!

You are right. I'm going to have to record that part. I had actually meant to do the whole song but got lazy... I will make the drums sound better too...
The Silent Water. said:
guitars are nice, drums suck and the vocal part is...well....i don't like it. sorry.
Yeah, the drums aren't mixed right. But I am death metal at heart (suffocation, morbid angel, cannibal corpse), so I knew you black metal kids would not like the vox or blast beats...Opeth should do some fucking "death" metal!