Advice required


Apr 13, 2001
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On the weekend I went to a wedding with a friend. At the wedding there was dancing. I can't dance. I don't like dancing. I would rather not dance. I'm OK with the waltzes and "partner" dancing, but I just don't get how the whole waving your arms and legs around thing is fun, and I'd rather not do it.

So I don't. Unfortunately this causes friction with *everyone* because at weddings you're supposed to dance. So after pissing everyone around me off with my steadfast refusal to dance I sat in the corner of the table by myself. Now I was fine with this situation, but the more people saw I was by myself, the more they wanted to get me to dance, so the more pissed off they became.

How does one say that they don't want to dance without pissing people off?
Ive only been to 2 Weddings, one when I was 6 and one when I was 20, there was no dancing at either of them, did I just get lucky?
Just make sure you have a beer in your hand and point to the beer and shrug helplessly, as if to say that you can't drink when you're holding a beer.
*sigh* Gotta love people who, with all good intentions, try to force you into their fun activities 'for your own good'. They don't consider that their idea of fun may be something you'd rather be kicked in the face by an angry stallion than participate in.

I get the same problem with the fact that I can't drink...people will get pissed off at me because I won't have a drink with them, despite the fact that alcohol gives me horrific migraines. As though I'm personally offending them by being around them without a drink in my hand. It shits me to death actually. Don't worry about not pissing them off Phloggy - just tell them straight that you don't like dancing. It's not your fault they're getting offended at you for something stupid.
Don't worry phloggy at my wedding the only time anyone danced was for the bridal dance.This was to Bon Jovi Born To Be My Baby. I found it was funny as we had all the stuff that gets played at No Life Till Leather with a few other well know eighties hits. Now half the people who were there attend NLTL and dance there, but would not dance at the wedding in a backyard. I at one point was dancing by myself.Not that this bothers me as I often will be the only one on the dance floor I just don't care.
Also on your point I hate it when people try to get me to dance to something I hate. I don't try and drag people on the dance floor is just more pathetic doing that, than the looser who has no idea what a beat is let alone keep to it on the dance floor.
ahhh... man I know ALL about this one.

Usually when people would try to force me to dance I would just say "TINMAN DON'T DANCE" very assertively and that will do the job.

I think the only time it's acceptable for a man to dance is when you're (a) really drunk, or (b) trying to pick up chicks, but only younger hotter ones. Even then I think it is a requirement to look slightly uncomfortable like you KNOW that you don't know what the fuck you are doing, otherwise you might as well be wearing a dress.

Reminds me of the last time I went out with this chick I know... virtually within the same sentence of conversation she complained that I don't dance enough, and then that I was dancing with some other chick.

I think it should be acceptable to say "I don't dance. If you want to dance, go and dance. I will stay here and drink, and when you get back we'll have another drink. After that I will take you home and fuck your fucking brains out".

If a girl's not happy with that then she just doesn't appreciate a real man.
Spruce Goose said:
Wddings arn't about dancing. Weddings are about getting fuckin shit faced. I can't really remember any of the weddings I have been to. I may have danced?
I was. My first 3 day hangover ever. But I *still* wasn't pissed enough to think that dancing was a good idea.
TinMan666 said:
I think the "sitting... by myself" thing is probably what people can't deal with. In future, still don't dance, but just stand leaning against the bar or something like a cool motherfucker.
This is good advice. Very good advice indeed.
phlogiston said:
This is good advice. Very good advice indeed.
the only flaw with that plan is that if this puts you in closer proximity to the dance floor, people MAY keep trying to drag you on to there. But hopefully they just see that you're still standing in with the group and having a good time YOUR WAY so they leave you the hell alone.
I get exactly the same problem every time I go to one of the bloody things.

My advice..go to funerals. No one expects you to dance.
Yep, a good bout of grave dancing should shut them up. Mark a large oblong on the dance floor and tell them you can only dance inside of it. When they ask why, tell them you only dance on graves. They should have no problem leaving you alone to do whatever you want then.