Advice required

My gf tried to drag me onto the dance floor of the local pub when I'd rather be much happier sitting down drinking and watching whatever sport is on tv and chatting to my friends.

After awhile she figured out I hate dancing and stopped bothering me.

Even so much to the point when last time we went out and a bunch of her friends turned up, she went to dance with them and asked if I'd be ok drinking by myself and stayed with me for longer and then went and danced. I was fine anyway, the Aussies were smashing the Kiwi's in the Cricket.

Still I guess some people figure this out and some don't.

On a similiar note when I went around to her Aunty's place suddenly I'm expected to be drinking something and I'm not happy without a glass of champagne/beer/water. Supposedly I had them a bit worried since I wasn't drinking anything.

I figure if I want something I'll ask for it/go and get it and if I say I don't want something I don't want it. But somehow people can't understand it when I say something I mean it.
Brian's mum used to get upset when i refused breakfast or a drink straight after getting out of bed. Then would make comments Xena doesn't eat or drink anything no wonder she is so skinny. Hey i hate eating within a certain time period of getting out of bed. If I want a drink I will get it. Bloody let me wake up. Although now I force myself to at least drink a couple of mouthfulls of juice and something small to eat otherwise I get bad morning sickness.
At weddings I always say, "i'll come and dance after a few more beers"

roughly 5-6 beers after saying that I am probably fairly tanked at this stage, I get up there and do my best impression of flashdance.

No one asks me to dance for the rest of the night.
Aussie_Outlaw said:
On a similiar note when I went around to her Aunty's place suddenly I'm expected to be drinking something and I'm not happy without a glass of champagne/beer/water. Supposedly I had them a bit worried since I wasn't drinking anything.

Arr! I hate this too! The mother of one of my friends always wants to feed me constantly. Even after I'm fed, it's "Have you had enough? Are you sure? Was there enough for you to eat?" over and over, all the while with a worried expression on her face, as though I'm likely to rip out her jugular for the heinous crime of not giving me enough food. There's a difference between being a good host and being annoying, and after the fifth time I've said "I'm fine, really..." it crosses the line :p
I hate weddings. And engagement parties. And baptism services when the kid's too young to decide for herself or even understand what a fucking stupid religion her parents are signing her up for :mad:.

Three guesses what I'm being dragged to this weekend?

Back on topic, I have a perfect excuse to avoid dancing at any social function. And even if I didn't, *most* people know better than to invite me in the first place. Your answer, Phlog, is either to acquire a permanent disability or cultivate a reputation as an antisocial old grouch :).

Plus the discount cab fares, cheap movie tickets and regular government-sponsored income :).

Of course if you can do up your own shoelaces and prefer not to deal with the idiotic drivers of said discount cabs, then you might want to reconsider.

Oh, I'm not considering anything serious. Maybe just something along the lines of a gammy knee that only acts up 30 seconds into dancing and when I'm looking for a car park.
before the dancing starts, say you would like to make an announcement as follows, fuck off I don't wanna dance, if you want to talk to me i'll be over by the bar, cheers.

That oughta work next time
Spiff said:
Just make sure you have a beer in your hand and point to the beer and shrug helplessly, as if to say that you can't drink when you're holding a beer.

well, personally, I can always drink when I'm holding a beer.

*badom tish*
One of the funniest things I've ever witnessed in my life is a nerd who didn't know how to dance trying to pick up chicks by dancing. He looked like he was having an epileptic seizure, only upright.

That moment convinced me that I will never, ever dance. Not ever.
When I was 18 I went to some school reunion of some friends in Indonesia. They got me up on stage to draw some raffle, and as it was my first time there I didn't know the numbers, so that was fucking embarrassing.

What was worse though, was the dj who was up there with me put music on and pretty much forced me to dance with him in front of a whole hall of people. That sucked major arse.