^Well I wouldn't wear them myself because I don't fear getting raped, but I understand that some women wanna protect themselves this way and to be honest, I think it is for the best
Ever heard of suprise buttsecks?
^Well I wouldn't wear them myself because I don't fear getting raped, but I understand that some women wanna protect themselves this way and to be honest, I think it is for the best
Yes, clearly the best option to protect against AIDS and pregancy from rape is to wear torture devices in your vaginas, mhmm, that's definitelty the best idea ever. I think everyone should wear them.
The inventor of Rapex, South African Sonette Ehler, a former medical technician, got the idea when a traumatized rape victim lamented to her, "If only I had teeth down there.
Looks like a teat. I find the concept of doubling a condom up with something that you put on a babies milk bottle quite arrousing.
Hahahaha, maybe you can use it as an ornament if you use it more than once.
Also, wtf. If a guy is going to rape you, and you have vagina teeth that hurt. hes not going to go "oh, well you got me fooled, I'm going to let you go now." I'm sure he'll just use a much more painful hole.
Vagina Dentata?
Also, I think they might wanna design the thing to be a little more covert, so as to avoid the situation you're describing there. I think a rapist would notice when his victim is already stretched open, waiting with a hole thats conveniently DESIGNED TO FIT HIS DICK.
Although, I do have to say, if the rapist got fooled and the teeth kicked in, do you really think he'd move to another hole and not start screaming "OMG WTF MY DICK IS HEMORRHAGING" first?
No way, they are dumb as fuck. Have you seen these rapists? Besides they rape in groups, if one guy gets caught, the other dudes will make her pay big time. Dude it's not like 1 guy, it's huge bands of fucking monkey people who live in the jungle, it's like a rapist army, they capture girls, rape them, keep them as rape slaves, then if they're lucky they get released. They make girls self-abort, kill each other, and also have their kids kill each other and then make them part of the rapist gang. Their initiation is raping another girl. It's fucked man. They roll up into a neighborhood, kill the men, take the women and money, doesn't matter the age of the girl. I've seen a few documentaries, it's disgusting, and and the journalist is a chick and she has the balls to meet with these fucking baboons. They literally aren't human. They are so stupid, it's like they are beast, not man.It's fucked.