advices to be just as good as alexi :)

^^ yea but i dont understand anything lool :) lets say i need a guy who will translate me the guitar language lol :)
I learnt Teenage Dirtbag by Wheetus. I could play that badly in about 2 days of "practise" at school before I even owned a guitar. I was proud.
The first proper song I learned to play was 'Love Me Tender' by you know who. I learned it on acoustic and I was 7, but I had a teacher for it though. Well, for classical guitar a teacher is a MUST.
lol because this Thread is already made
i m going to ask my Question
:P can some one tell me how i can learn Sweep picking and Altanative picking

because i really wanna learn fully COB numbers i can only play the Alexi Rythm parts and little slow peace of alexi's shit but i cant Do the Alexi Thing and the Solo's :-(
Well, I've been playing on the electric guitar for about a year now and I still find Bodom solos really hard - its normal. The only decent and well-played solos I play are Bed of Razors, Are You Dead Yet?, and December Flower (In Flames). It's much better to finish rythem guitar first then continue with lead. I just play those solos for the fun of it. As for rythem, At The Gates and Lamb of God will do. :D

As for my first song, that would be Jingle Bells. :lol:
As for my first real song, it would be The Man Who Sold The World or Come As You Are, I dunno, but defentily something for Nirvana. :)
First song I learned... uh, some Beatles song, I forget which. I also agree this guy is shitting us, it took me for-fucking-ever to learn Master of Puppets, and I fucking TEACH guitar. the first metal song I learned was just the solo from Chokehold, thats what got me into metal, and screaming metal in genreal. I learned it from the infamous guitar world with Zakk Wylde, Steve Vai and Alexi on the cover. Funny how you remember all that shit.
YO all i just had my elektrik guitar 2 months ago and im learning alone i can do some solos (canon rock ,silent bodom night,lake bodom, master of puppet,nothing else matters.....) but i find it difficult to hold many strings in same time!!! what shud i do?? thanks :)

You can't be as good as Alexi! You just can't. :notworthy
^^ :) im maybe genious who knows lol :) anyway u arent that usefull guys ( only warheart who really helped me thank u man)
english isnt my first language and neither my second language!! i may have some problems in it and u could be comprehensive :(