Aeternus - "Warrior of the Crescent Moon" is 11/10 buy or just kill yourself quality

i will, so while y'all are "oh man death metal sux. lets play shit like blut aus nord", ill be like jamming to heavy dark metal like the true metal warrior i am.

"boundary pushing" is sooooooooo overrated. give me something i like even if it is tried and true formula as opposed to some nincumpoop playing with "off beat rhythms" or trying to be "dark and evil" by sounding "coldly mechanical" or some other buzz shit word that people come up with to convince themselves they've found something "different" even if it is diarreah (sp?) metal

Though I dig the two first ones, I place Shadows of Old above any of their other material, as it retains most of the foreboding, dark metal-ish atmosphere while introducing a distinct death metal flavour (pouding mid-tempo, deep growls, sharper riffage...). So I guess it's the place to go for you right now.
this band still rules.

been playing ascension of terror, and the song denial of salvation is so metal

i do agree that ASTNB is their best album, but sworn revenge is their best song