After Japan???


Vocal Prince
Jun 18, 2007
It's been over a year since I last saw S-X and I was wondering if anyone knew if they were going for another North American leg or at least a little east coast romp after Japan...or what they have planned.

I'm craving some live S-X again!!:rock:
Russell said they're gonna write a new album after the tour in the Shanghai concert.

If that's the case then I have no problem waiting.

They did a few east coast dates just a few months ago.

As for the few dates they did...I actually bought a ticket for the Atlanta show and my ride got shit on so I bought a ticket for nothing. :( oh well. supporting S-X anyways I guess!
Do not, I repeat, do NOT do anything to deter these guys from getting in the studio again. I am thirsty for new material from them. My PL disk is quite worn. If they continue to crank out better stuff each time, I won't live through the next CD. PL literally blew my second to last brain cell out. These guys rule, and we would have more touring to look forward to promoting the new stuff. RA needs time with little Ava anyway, so come on home, boys. :rock:
Do not, I repeat, do NOT do anything to deter these guys from getting in the studio again. I am thirsty for new material from them. My PL disk is quite worn. If they continue to crank out better stuff each time, I won't live through the next CD. PL literally blew my second to last brain cell out. These guys rule, and we would have more touring to look forward to promoting the new stuff. RA needs time with little Ava anyway, so come on home, boys. :rock:

Agreed on all counts.
I would be happy to wait longer for the next CD if they toured Australia.


There, obligatory "tour Australia already" reference. Carry on