

CKMS supporter
Jul 18, 2001
cat shelter
My turn to add to the increasing number of threads. My apologies if this has been discussed before and I missed it.

I'm just curious how people feel about getting older. Are you happy about it, unhappy, indifferent? And why do you feel that way about it?

Part two: How has getting older affected your involvement with music? ie. number of CDs you buy, how often you go to concerts, style of music you prefer, your enjoyment of music - does it get you more or less excited as you get older, etc.?
I think everything gets less exciting as you get older, not something I'm thrilled about but I think it's true.

I think that by the time someone is like 70 years old or something they don't value their life as much and they welcome death openly, as I'm sure I will as well.


I've had these issues since always. Somehow it's strange for a grade-schooler to be so preoccupied by some issues. Better just to live. You should ask metalmancpa (who is, I recall, 42ish) or JesusChristPose (about 39) how they feel. I think by the time I get to their age, which won't be for about two decades, I'll be pretty depressed (if none of my ambitions had been realized). At 70, I'll live in glorious stupor, or else i'll just suicide and wonder why I hadn't decades before, things like that. ;)

blesses be,

I have always thought that each age has its pleasant moments and its sad ones..every age has something good to be,even when you're 70 when death is coming closer...
Right now,I don't mind getting older,actually i like it cause i feel that the time is coming when i will rule myself 100%.I mean when i will be able to decide WHERE i will live and how i will live,which i can't do now cause i am a poor student and i have to live in this shitty surroundings where my family lives.I Long for the time when i will live by my own money and i long to see what will happen in the future...but as E V I L mentioned "I think by the time I get to their age, which won't be for about two decades, I'll be pretty depressed (if none of my ambitions had been realized) "
OK - here's the response from the oldest board member @ 41 (as far as I know):

It all depends how you approach life the older you get. I went to a ton of concerts as a teenage, although I didn't buy many albums due to $$. Then, marriage/kids/house etc - it took my focus away. I've always listened to music, ALWAYS, but I didn't go to concerts, and didn't buy much. Recently - really at the beginning of this year, I started going to concerts again.

I bet I was one of the oldest at the Enslaved concert! Part of my concert going is due to my looks (I look younger than my age) - when I started going again - I felt a little uncomfortable. I was at a radio-station sponsored concert earlier this year [Kittie, Static-X, Ultraspank and a couple of others] - I was just sitting in my seat, and this older guy was walking up the aisle. This totally wacked out kid practically attacked this guy just because of his age - thank goodness his three other friends pulled him away. When I go - I go in stealth mode. I don't make eye contact - it's just not worth it. I'm there for the music - but it seems some concert goers have other reasons to be there. But that doesn't stop me anymore - it's my life, I like music, and I'll go!

For me personally - my answer to your getting older and music is this: I just found Opeth this year, and went out and got all CD's (have $$ now). I downlaod music - I have stereos at work, in the bedroom, main room, basement - have great speakers for my computer - all to listen to music. And honestly - I know of NO people in my generation (other than those on the internet) that are over 40, and looking for new metal music. I have been listening to a radio show on Sunday nights which plays metal since 1984. I listen to the metal station that my cable company provides. I actively looks for new music. And to date, the older I get, the heavier the music needs to be. My tastes are broad - I am a metalhead, but I listewn to other music (on occassion). There are many non-metal songs that are good. I don't know why people who say they are metalheads are afraid to admit they listen to other stuff - even classical. I don't think it takes away from their metal stature.

I have always had a tendency to have more in common with 20ish people than people my age. If anybody tells me I'm grown up - I'll kick their ass. I can be mature without trying to prove it.

So, hopefully you'll keep an open mind as you get older, and do everything in your power not to turn into your parents. :lol:
Originally posted by metalmancpa
OK - here's the response from the oldest board member @ 41 (as far as I know):
. I listen to the metal station that my cable company provides. I actively looks for new music. And to date, the older I get, the heavier the music needs to be. My tastes are broad - I am a metalhead, but I listewn to other music (on occassion). :lol:

I am close to the same age as Metalmancpa. I don't go to concerts as much as when I was younger {most of my friends aren't into the same stuff as I am now}. But I now buy more cds than I used to, thanks to the reviews I get from you guys and gals.

Those cable metal stations are better than my local radio. Wider selections and no annoying adverts or djs yammering away.:cool: :)
Under the influence of a momentary impulse, I'm posting some on-topic lyrics : Amorphis, "Tuonela"


Sorrow is my bread
And tears I drink as wine
Oblivion my happiness
Ground under teeth of time

For cold be the stone
When frost devoured the land
Consolation is no gift
Of winter's icy hand

Upon a crust of snow
I'll lay my broken frame
What steel and iron won't take
I'll give in winter's name
No good a sullen soul no use a simple knave
No groom for brides of plaited hair
This man old and lame

If only I could breathe
To see the sun of may
but still longer are the nigths than days
As I wither away

Came the man of crown
With sound of war drums beat
Said no sword arm's strong enough
Without my two good feet

But not overlooked am I
In eyes of the maid I'll wed
I'll reap the crops of Tuonela
My bride's wealth in death