airports, airplanes, airlines, etc

My gripe about Japanese airlines is that the service is too good. They spend approximately half of every flight making announcements. "Oh, we may experience some turbulence." "Oh, we are now experiencing some turbulence. Please fasten your seatbelts securely." "We are still experiencing turbulence. There is an airsickness bag located in the seat pocket in front of you for passengers who may not feel well." This all happens in formal keigo Japanese, and then in stilted katakana English even when there are no visibly foreign people on the plane.
I hate airports and aeroplanes.

Dreading my 18 hour flight to Bangkok in July on smelly curry Jet airways stopping off in smelly Bombay, then flight back from Beijing on smelly arab Emirates. But Emirates isnt so bad.

Krampus, you already did this thread:


Yeah seriously, are you that obsessed :lol:

Anyway I fly at least twice every year..each flight being 11 hours or more :S...and I fucking HATE it..shitty seats, shitty movies, hardcore turbulence (sometimes I wonder if I will die), and ALWAYS a fucking infant crying 80% of the flight time

Don't understand the hype of flying, other than the amazing technological aspect of it.
Actually I'd prefer going alone :lol: I could drink then. I'll be going with my mom.

On that note, does anyone have anything to say about Philadelphia with respect to non-tourist places to visit?

EDIT- @ Runk - The possibility of changing a flight exists. Which well and truly screws with one's sleep. But I'm accustomed to epic 40-60 hour train journeys [which stopped being fun after I stopped being 10]
Yeah seriously, are you that obsessed :lol:

Anyway I fly at least twice every year..each flight being 11 hours or more :S...and I fucking HATE it..shitty seats, shitty movies, hardcore turbulence (sometimes I wonder if I will die), and ALWAYS a fucking infant crying 80% of the flight time

Don't understand the hype of flying, other than the amazing technological aspect of it.

Haha, I wonder if they ever show stuff like Snakes on the Plane, Final Destination or any of the numerous plane hijacking flicks. You know, to prepare you for the worst.
Who knows, maybe on April's Fool they'd start making a full-scale simulation of a hijacking/engine failure or other mishap scenario.

Good evening, passengers, this is your captain speaking. I've just been notified that someone onboard this plane is a carrier of a deadly viral disease.
Do not panic yet.The US Military has sent interceptors to deal with this threat. We'll be shot down in two hours from now, so prepare for a hard emergency landing in the Atlantic Ocean.
To make the remaining final hours of your life more pleasant, our flight attendants will pose nude for you to the entrancing music of Madonna. Don't forget to tip them well; you won't be needing any money where we are going.

Have a pleasant afterlife.

Okay, now you may panic...
On that note, does anyone have anything to say about Philadelphia with respect to non-tourist places to visit?
I'm stuck in Switzerland for an unknown amount of days due to the volcanic ash! Sweet