Album Concepts on "The Blackwater Park"


Jul 22, 2003
Maarssen, Holland
Hey you guys,

I'm working on a new section in "The Blackwater Park".
It's about the concepts of Opeth albums. I never knew there were concepts untill I read them a few months back. To make it more accesible to Fans I want to make a section about them on my website. I already have the story of MAYH and I read the story of Still Life. Are there any others you guys know of?

I'm also working on a large picture gallery so if you have pictures of yourself with members of Opeth or just cool Opeth pictures you can send them to


Hmm I have those.
Their next album should have a concept. Cause their concept albums are their best.

But a friend of mine told me Deliverance had a story.
In Wreath he dreams about killing a guy.
Then in Deliverance he kills one (drowns him I think)
Then he is delivered from the feeling (do I say that right?) but he regrets it:

Thrown back at me
Laughing at me

Then in A Fair Judgement and for Absent Friends he mourns about the death of that guy.

In Master's Apprentices he dies himself
And in By the pain I see in others he is a ghost or something.

Anyone heard about this?

As far as I know, Mikael doesn't consider Deliverance a concept album, but everyone is free to make whatever they want from the lyrics of course.
So the concept for Deliverance that Kevin posted is as good as any other interpretation, it's just not a concept Mikael was conciously writing at least.
I was under the same impression of BWP but its alot more loose in terms of concept, compared to MAYH or SL. But it does seem to have the unifying theme of disease throughout the entire album.
I'm pretty sure that Mikael has said specifically that there is no intentional lyrical theme to any albums except for still life and my arms your hearse. The idea about the deliverance story is sort of interesting though.
Don't say that Poona, I wish Mikael never said that about his lyrics. Or at least I never heard about it, lyrics are far better off when all possibilities are open as to what the writings are about
Still Life and MAYH are the only albums with 'story-concepts' behind them, but the actual idea of a concept album is having a theme throughout. In that sense, they're all somewhat concept albums.

Orchid definitly has a theme of 'good vs evil' which is also shown in the cover artwork... which I beleive Mikael described as being the contrast between 'beauty and darkness' which is also a nice metaphor for the music.

Morningrise has a theme of loss. Not only in 'The Night and the Silent Water' which is about the death of Mikaels grandfather, but also as a general feeling of sorrow and hopelessness thoughout the whole album.

My Arms, Your Hearse and Still Life speak for themselves.

Blackwater Park has the theme of humanity's demise. As Mikael has stated, its about his hatred towards humanity. This follows closely with the music, as it has that despondent vibe.

Deliverance is more debatable. I'm not as sure with this one what its about. The songs seems quite detached from each other, signifying that there's no common ground that the album is build around.

Damnation is also less of a concept album. The lyrics seem to concentrate on personal experiences. It seems more of an emotional vent than anything else.

But thats just my opinion. Go ahead and debate it.
Well I suppose by that definition every single gore-grind album is a concept album, with the lyrical concept being extreme violence and suffering.
I think that a line should be drawn between an album with a lyrical theme and one with a lyrical concept rather than blurring them together.
Yeah with Still Life and MAYH every song goes on with the story where the other one ended. The other albums also have a lot of stories to tell like what shroudofdusk said with Damnation that is based on personal stories. Only the songs are stories themselves, not the entire album (I think).

Maybe we can describe a few songs, it would be cool te have a section on a fansite were a lot of interpretations are shown. Cause a lot of people (me included) aren't very good in english, especially if it's poetical like mike's lyrics so sometimes it's hard to understand the meaning of the songs. Cause if you know the meaning of them you respect the songs even more..

Well Mikael said "BWP" was basically his disgust for humanity. Well I guess you can call this a theme, anyway there is diffenetly stories in some of the songs, like BWP(the song) and Harvest. In "Deliverance" I almost see a concept but that just my interpretation.
Actually Korlich and the rest, Mikael has said that 3 songs on BWP deal with the disgust for humanity, most likely The Leper Affinity, The Funeral Portrait and Blackwater Park.
Harvest for example is about being on your death bed. Not much disgust for humanity there. You can't really make out anything like that out of Dirge For November either. As for Bleak, Mikael himself said that he doesn't know what it's about. :p
So you guys have some interpretations about Opeth songs. They sound very interesting, I'll have a place with interpretations of Opeth songs on the website too then, you can send in your interpretation and I'll give it a spot on The Blackwater Park, well.. if your interested of course. If you have one (or more) mail them to and I'll put it up with your name.
