Album Concepts on "The Blackwater Park"

I was always under the impression that Bleak was sort of a vampire story...

"A liquid seeps from your chest
And drains me away
Mist ripples round your thin white neck
And draws me a line"

It seems like the line's showing him where to bite... also

"Break of morning, coldness lingers on
Shroud me into nightmares of the sun"

He has nightmares about the sun since the light hurts him...

"Night fall again
Taking what's left of me
Slight twist, shivering corpse"

The night changes him, his 'meal' leaves behind a corpse...

That's just what I see in the words.

TheFourthHorseman said:
Actually Korlich and the rest, Mikael has said that 3 songs on BWP deal with the disgust for humanity, most likely The Leper Affinity, The Funeral Portrait and Blackwater Park.
Harvest for example is about being on your death bed. Not much disgust for humanity there. You can't really make out anything like that out of Dirge For November either. As for Bleak, Mikael himself said that he doesn't know what it's about. :p